An executive is one who never puts off until tomorrow what he can get someone else to do today.
Pray to God, but row for shore.
Housework is something you do that nobody notices unless you don’t do it.
To be effective in God’s work is quite different than to be active in God’s work.
An executive is one who hires others to do what he is hired to do.
Somehow or other, as we get older, work seems a lot less fun, and fun seems a lot more work.
Variety may be the spice of life, but it’s monotony that brings home the groceries.
The average American is a guy who was born in the country, worked hard so he could live in the city, then worked even harder to get back to the country.
The word easy appears only once in the New Testament, and then in connection with the yoke.
If a man does only what is required of him, he is a slave. If he does more than is required of him, he is a free man.
If you’re rich and have two jobs, you are diversified–if you are poor, you are moonlighting.
We never hear anything about the resolutions of the apostles, but a great deal of the Acts of the Apostles.
You may be on the right track, but if you sit there, you’ll be run over.
Stealing the initiative is the one form of theft that always pays.
It is easier to do a job right than to explain why you didn’t.
No one needs a vacation as much as the person who just had one.
It is quite possible to work without results, but never will there be results without work.
Maintain your motivational therapy. Add to your smarts.
The best incentive plan: Get busy, or you’re fired.
Meet the success twins–cultivation and conversation.
Work is the price of success.
Want to percolate? The circulate.
If you want to be successful, start working on the job before you have to.
We spend thousands of dollars on time-saving devices; then work overtime to pay for them.
The man with push will pass the man with pull.
Learn to labor and to wait; but be careful how you start, lest you learn to wait so well, you overlook the labor part.
Times are hard for folks hunting soft jobs.
The hen is the only one who can lay around and still be a producer.
Man invented work as an easy way to escape boredom.
What we need is not a forty-hour week but a forty-day week.
The highest reward one can get for good work is the ability to do even better work.
Labor Day is so named because it’s the only day when nobody does any.
Everything comes to those who wait, as long as those who wait work like mad while they are doing so.
It takes just as much energy to wish as it does to plan.
If the devil can find a man who is idle, he will send him to work.
It’s not the ability to kick that makes a mule such a valuable animal, but his ability to pull.
It is better to wear out than to rust out.
Dreaming has its values, but never should it become a substitute for work that needs to be done.
You can’t climb the ladder of success with your hands in your pockets.
Stop at the bottom and wake up.
We don’t need to change the work week so much as we need to change the weak work.
A person does not grow old through work–but through rusting.
Nobody ever got his mind dirty doing hard work.
The idle man does not know what it is to enjoy rest.
A laborer is ready to work when the work is ready.
Our nation became big by starting things.
Genius is seldom recognized for what it is–a great capacity for hard work.
People may not remember how fast you did your work, but they will remember how well you did it.
The world does not pay for what a person knows, but it pays for what a person does with what he knows.
Some people pray for more than they are willing to work for.
Being idle isn’t necessarily doing nothing–it’s being free to do anything.
The father of success is work; the mother of achievement is ambition.
There may be luck in getting a good job, but there is no luck in keeping it.
God put work into your life; He expects you to put life into your work.
Weeds grow themselves–flowers need cultivation.
It’s better to lose sleep on what you plan to do than to be kept awake by what you have done.
Don’t just entertain ideas–put them to work.
Before you say you cannot, give it a try.
A good worker does not make the same mistake twice.
Today’s preparation determines tomorrow’s achievement.
The more steam you put into your work, the louder you can whistle when the job is done.
Nothing ruins a neighborhood for the average husband like having an enthusiastic gardener move in.
The surest way of establishing your credit is to work so hard that you won’t need it.
Grandma said they wore exercise outfits in her day, too, but they called them housedresses.
Unless a man undertakes more than he can possibly do, he will never do all that he possibly can.
Good intentions die unless they are executed.
There are two kinds of people; those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is much less competition there.
There is something fascinating in the prospect of getting by without working, but all the joy is taken out of it by the fierce competition.
While we can’t cross a bridge until we come to it, it just might be smart to lay down a pontoon ahead of time.
We will never be challenged by seeing through our task till we recognize the challenge of seeing our task through.
You cannot clean up this old world with soft soap–it takes grit.
The reward of a thing well done is to have done it.
The man who never does more than he gets paid for seldom gets paid for more than he does.
The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.
People don’t care about their work unless they feel appreciated.
Even back in Grandpa’s time there was something to make you sleep–they called it work.
Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
The world owes you a living only after you have earned it.
Two ways to get to the top of an oak tree–climb it or sit on an acorn.
You will never lost your shirt if you keep your sleeves rolled up.
A clean mouth and an honest hand will take a man through any circumstance.
Most men who get to the top quickly start by rising early.
Christians are not called to merely endure change, nor to profit by it, but to cause it.
Work isn’t work if you enjoy it.
It takes an honest man to tell whether he’s tired or just lazy.
The best medicine is to love your work and your enemies.
No race can prosper until it learns that there is as much dignity in tilling a field as there is in writing a poem.
A true humanitarian has one simple rule at the office: If you have enought strength to call in sick, you should be at work.
Nothing would be done at all if a man waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault with him.
To gain success, do not merely stare up the steps–step up the stairs.
Rewards are usually anticlimactic–the fun is in the doing.
The best time to look for work is after you get the job.
Most of us can do more than we think we can but usually do less than we think we have.
The difference between a career and a job is about twenty or more hours per week.
Unless a job means more than money, it will seldom return more than money.
A boss is a person who is always early when you’re late and late when you’re early.
The best investment you can make in life is hard work.
Some who are not paid what they are worth ought to be glad.
Don’t itch for something you’re not willing to scratch for.
For keeping busy, the bee is praised; the mosquito is swatted–it’s a matter of give and take.
A lot of people look for employment–very few look for work.
Don’t let the fact that you can’t do it all keep you from doing what you can.
The number of people who are unemployed isn’t as great as the number who aren’t working.
If some employees were paid what they are worth, the employer might be in violation of the minimum wage law.
As a man grows wiser, he talks less and says more.
They who work hardest watch best for the Lord’s return.
You don’t have to lie awake at nights to succeed–just stay awake.
If you ever expect to have any pull, you’ll have to push for it.
Too many Americans believe it’s easier to vote for something than to work for it.
There is perfect freedom for people who do the work they want to do and live by that work.
Industry can do anything that a genius can do and many things that it cannot.
The best way to keep from being unemployed is to work at it.
People rarely succeed at anything unless they have fun doing it.
If you make your job important, it’s quite likely to return that favor.
If you do not make more of your job than the average man, then the average man can hold your job.
He that teaches not his son to do some trade makes him a thief.
He who cannot speak well of his trade does not understand it.
Footprints in the sands of time can never be made by sitting down.
The cards you hold in the game of life have little meaning if they are never played.
If you want a place in the sun, you must expect some blisters.
If at first you don’t succeed, try a little harder.
Sign on a private detective’s office: We pry harder.
The best oil you can use in life is elbow grease.
Be quick to work and slow to talk.
No man can be a workman for God until he is a workmanship of God.
To do nothing is tiresome; one can never stop and take a rest.
The price of mastery in any field is thorough preparation.
The key to willpower is want-power. Those wanting something badly enough will find the willpower to do it.
It is not enough to put your shoulder to the wheel–you must remember to push.
Work, wait, win. Start at the bottom and there is one way to work–up.
Work smarter instead of longer.
Ideas are funny things; they do not work unless we do.
The best way to erase bad conditions is to use the hard work eraser.
Sitting and wishing will not change your course. What good is a wagon without a horse?
We don’t need to change the work week–we need to get the weak to work.
Nobody ever drowned in sweat.
The wishbone will never take the place of the backbone.
The reward of doing a good job is more work.
Dodging work is the hardest work of all and yields the poorest returns.
The best way to move mountains is to begin with molehills and work your way up.
A generation ago most men finished a day’s work and needed a rest–now they need exercise.
Most people who wake up famous haven’t been asleep.
Remember the clock: it passes the time by keeping its hands busy.
Good ideas are perishable–if you don’t use them they won’t keep.
Starting on the right road and facing the right direction pays few dividends unless you keep moving.
Most jobs are carried out best by committees of one.
The only people who are criticized are the people who do something.
Everything worthwhile is upgrade.
The time God allows us is just enough for the work He allots us.
Some people work themselves to death by labor-saving devices.
A man is not paid for having hands and head but for using them.
To some people, the ideal occupation is one that doesn’t keep them occupied.
A press agent is a man who hitches his braggin’ to a star.
The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best work even though no one is looking.
The mosquito never waits for an opening–he makes one.
Work is not meant to be a penalty for living.
Let not your motto be “get by” but “get on.”
I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have it.
The mosquito doesn’t get slapped on the back until he starts to work.
Sign in unemployment office: Don’t underestimate yourself–let us do it for you.
Pray for a good crop, but don’t forget to hoe.
A job well done is a job well planned.
It doesn’t matter whose payroll you are on; you work for yourself.
If you don’t put a shoulder to the wheel, you may find your back to the wall.
Instead of giving yourself a pat on the back, try giving yourself a shove.
There is only one man better than the man who gets behind and pushes, and that is the man who stays ahead and pulls.
If you worked for your employer as you serve God, how long would you hold your job?
All that stands between you and the top of the ladder is the ladder.
Have your tools ready–God will find work for you.
Rule for success: work your tongue little, your hands much, and your brain much.
Inspiration is presentation–a job well done is well planned.
The man who just watches the clock will always remain one of the hands.
Your work is an excellent commentary on your character.