Women prefer husbands with a will of their own, provided it’s made out in the wife’s name.
The best thing for a cold shoulder is a mink.
Just why is it that you convince a man, but must persuade a woman?
Most women don’t mind Yule shopping–they charge right ahead.
The best years of a woman’s life are between twenty-eight and twenty-nine.
Some women work at changing a man, and when they have changed him, they don’t like him.
The best cookbooks are no substitute for good cooks.
A young beautiful woman is the act of nature–a beautiful old lady is the work of art.
A good secretary is a woman that usually does the work that some man gets credit for.
The best man for the job–a woman!
A woman’s age is like the odometer on a used car–you know it’s been set back, but you don’t know how far.
It takes a smart woman to decide if a man is too old to be considered eligible, or too eligible to be considered old.
When a woman lowers her voice, it’s a sign she wants something. When she raises it, it’s a sign she didn’t get it.
The difference between a soldier and a woman is that one faces the powder–the other powders her face.
No wonder women live longer than men. Look how long they are girls.
A lady is a woman who makes a man behave like a gentleman.
Women without principle draw considerable interest.
A large woman stood in church and sang, “Love Lifted Me.” A skinny man stood next to her and sang, “It Took a Miracle.”
Flirting is the gentle art of making a man feel pleased with himself.
A woman’s beauty lasts only as long as her disposition stays sweet.
American women are the best yessed women anywhere.
Women’s lib: Too many plots and plans and not enough pots and pans.
The modern kitchen can never replace the old-fashioned cook.
The European wife is a servant; the American wife works her husband to death, and then takes a cruise on the insurance.
The smart girl who searches too long for a smart cookie is apt to wind up with a crumb.
An intelligent girl is one who knows who to refuse a kiss without being deprived of it.
Cosmetics are a woman’s way of keeping a man from reading between the lines.
Too many women think they are improving on Mother Nature when they’re fooling Father Time.
The proportion of females arrested for burglary is on the rise. First equal rights, then equal wrongs.
Most men believe that a woman’s place is in the home; they expect to find her there immediately after she gets off work.
The upkeep of women is the downfall of man.
Kissing a girl is like opening a bottle of olives–if you get one, the rest comes easy.
The idealist puts a woman on a pedestal–and the practical man comes right along with a ladder.
They say that every man needs two women–a secretary to take everything down and a wife to pick everything up.
The better a woman looks, the longer the man does.
The average women would rather dye than have gray hair.
We speak about the equality of the sexes, but whoever saw a retired housewife?
Many a woman who goes on a diet finds that she is a poor loser.
Some men marry poor girls to settle down, and others marry rich ones to settle up.
A girl strings along a guy only to see if he’s fit to be tied.
Many a woman has started out playing with fire and has ended up cooking over it.
Most women know the value of love–only men the cost.
A beautiful woman is the one you notice. A charming woman is the one who notices you.
Some women make a fool out of a man–but many a godly woman has made a man out of a fool.
Women live longer than men because they need the time to finish all they started to say.
About the only time a woman really succeeds in changing a male is when he’s a baby.
A man is judged by the company he keeps–a woman by how late she keeps company.
It’s better to be an old maid than to wish you were one.
Strange but true–you never heard an Englishman telling a woman, “You look like a million pounds!”
Men say women can’t be trusted too far–women say men can’t be trusted too near.
Diamonds don’t grow on trees, but you will find them on certain limbs.
Women’s lib, someone said, “It’s Adam’s rib and Satan’s fib.”
Spring is the time of the year when women pay clothes attention to each other.
Women’s fashions may change each year but their designs remain the same.
The girl who has many men on the string will soon get into a tangle.
A modern girl: screams at the sight of a mouse, but climbs into a car with a wolf.