Bearing your cross means suffering for your Savior, not for you sins.
Suffering can be like a magnet that draws the Christian closer to Christ.
The world’s most disappointed people are those who get what’s coming to them.
Those who never take time to mourn never have time to heal.
A toothache is a pain that drives you to extraction.
If we would enlarge upon our blessings as we exaggerate our troubles, our troubles would be lessened.
Look at your blessings with both eyes–at your troubles with one.
In times like these, it helps to remember there have always been times like these.
Be grateful for a few problems–they make a job interesting.
What would some people think about if they didn’t have troubles?
Your attitude toward your trouble often hurts you more than the trouble.
For the Christian, dark clouds of trouble are but the shadow of God’s wing.
When troubles call on you, call God.
If takes tough seas to make good sailors and great captains.
One always pay interest on borrowed trouble.
Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal.
Today’s gloom may be only a passing cloud veiling the radiance of tomorrow’s joys.
When trouble comes, a man’s true quality is revealed.
Ulcers are a direct result of mountain climbing over molehills.
Trouble will drive you to prayer, but prayer will drive away trouble.
Some problems in life are meant to be lived with.
Adversity is the diamond dust heaven polishes its jewels with.
The troubles hardest to bear are those that never come.
When the way seems blocked, use the blocks to mount on.
How you handle your problems by day determines how you sleep by night.
Too often trouble starts out by being fun.
You can save yourself a lot of trouble by not borrowing any.
It’s not the liberty we have, but the liberties we take that cause most of the trouble in the world today.
Those who bless God in their trials will be blest by God through their trials.
Think less of the power of things over you and more of the power of Christ in you.
God gives us strength to face our problems, not to flee from them.
It is not the load that breaks you down; it is the way you carry it.
The person who persists in courting trouble soon will find himself married to it.
When we put our cares in God’s hands, He puts His peace in our hearts.
Frustration is not having anyone to blame but yourself.
The most trouble is produced by those who don’t produce anything else.
You don’t need a reference to borrow trouble.
Progress begins with getting a clear view of the obstacles.
The troubles of yesterday added to the worries of tomorrow are too heavy to be carried today.
Most people are more comfortable with old problems than with new solutions.
To stop big trouble, begin stopping the small ones.
He who seeks trouble will have no trouble finding it.
Telling your troubles is like swelling your troubles.
If you cannot make light of your troubles, keep them in the dark.
There’s no such thing as the perfect solution–every solution, no matter how good, creates new problems.
A good way to forget your troubles is to help others forget theirs.
If only half of our wishes came true, then we would have twice as many troubles.
If you are looking for the meaning of life, it may be in the trouble God is sending your way.
There are two ways we can meet difficulty: either we can alter the difficulty or we can alter ourselves to meet it.
The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter.
To avoid trouble, breathe through your nose; it keeps your mouth shut.
Some neighbors borrow everything from you except your trouble.
When you invite trouble, it usually accepts.
Perhaps the Lord allows some people to get into trouble because this is the only time they ever think of Him.
God is with us in the night just as surely as He is with us in the light.
When you brood over your trouble, you hatch despair.
Man was made for trouble–if he doesn’t get it, he will make it.
You cannot keep trouble from coming into your home, but you don’t have to give it a chair to sit on.
When you turn green with envy, you’re getting ripe for trouble.
The average person brings most of his troubles on himself and uses poor judgment in choosing them.
God has a solution planned before we even know we have a problem.
One thing about trouble, it gives you something to talk about.
If you want problems to pile up, never seek a solution for them.
The only things some people are willing to share are their troubles.