Civil Rulers, vv. 1-7
A. Honor / Respect the office and laws.
- Acknowledge they are servants
- Obey the law, unless the law contradicts the Word of God, Acts 4:19; 5:29.
B. Our behavior is a Witness for or against Christ.
C. Remember we once were unsaved.
- He Redeemed us by His mercy.
- He Regenerated us by His Word, Ephesians 5:26.
- He Renews us by His Spirit.
Heretics, vv. 8-11
A. “Heretic” comes from the root word meaning “to choose.”
- A person who causes division
- A heretic forces people to choose a side, e.g. “Are you for me or the pastor?”
B. Admonish the heretic / Rebuke or Warn twice.
- Two warnings–>no 3rd strike
- Reject the heretic from Church fellowship.
Support Ministers and Missionaries, vv. 12-15
A. Keep at the work until God sends a replacement or calls you away.
B. Support ministers and missionaries in their work.