The longer you live, the quicker you can live a year.
A supermarket is a place where you can spend an hour trying to find instant coffee.
Nothing arrives more slowly and passes more quickly than a vacation.
When one takes time to be better, he will enjoy better times.
How time changes things—nearly every luxury eventually becomes a necessity.
A day is full of many hours just waiting for your using; and there are many ways to spend them, so be careful in your choosing.
A person with one watch knows the time. A person with two watches is never sure.
Eternity will reveal whether we have made the right use of time.
Time is never late. Some people are.
You cannot turn back the clock. But you can wind it up again.
If you could turn back the clock, where would you stop?
Use time as a tool—not as a crutch.
Lost time is never found.
When you kill time, just remember it has no resurrection.
As every thread of gold is valuable so is every moment of time.
An inch of time cannot be bought by an inch of gold.
When a man gets up against time, he is taking on an adversary who wins battles with only one pair of hands.
Leaving everything to the last minute is the surest way to make enemies of the other fifty-nine.
Taking an hour off is easy—the hard part is putting it back.
The president of the United States has no more time than you.
Wasting time is really wasting a life.
The busy person will never be too busy to attend his own funeral.
Don’t just mark time; use time to make your mark.
There is only one glass that you can never refill—the hourglass.
The Lord wants our precious time—not our spare time.
Killing time isn’t murder—it’s suicide.
Before you try your hand at something, make sure you try your brain.
Improve your time and your time will improve you.
Millions of people live in a clock-eyed world.
The greatest use of time is to spend it for something that will outlast it.
The man of the hour never watches the clock.
Time passes quickly. We cannot buy it. We can do nothing but make good use of it.
One thing we cannot recycle is wasted time.
If you must kill time—work it to death.
An alarm clock scares the daylights out of you.
One of the worst things about retirement is that you have to drink coffee on your own time.
Time is a little chunk of eternity that God has given us.
You will never find time for anything—you must take time.
Establish your priorities before you can properly manage your time.
How you spend your time is more important than how you spend your money.
Time and words can never be recalled.
Time is not an enemy—unless you try to kill it.
I dare not waste time since I’m living for and in eternity now.
An hour lost is never found.
Counting time is not as important as making time count.
We never shall have any more time. We have, and we have always had, all the time there is.
Time is life—don’t kill it.
History may be the record of the past, but more important—it is also the blueprint of the future.
Flowers that last have deep roots and bloom late—things that endure grow slowly.
Ordinary people think how they can spend their time; a man of intelligence tries to use it.
Time is the most valuable thing a man spends.
Time is the stuff between paydays.
You cannot reward anyone for lost time.