Revelation 2:18-29
The Character of the City
A. Thyatira was the ancient-day Pittsburgh of the 1950s.
B. Center of Manufacturing
- Textile manufacturing
- Cloth dying, see Acts 16–>Lydia
C. Center of Trade Guilds or Unions
- Mandatory meetings
- Mandatory dues to pagan gods
- Eating meats sacrificed to idols
- Sexually immoral activities
- Could not work, buy, or sell without a Union membership and participation in pagan rituals
The Christ of the Church–>Son of God
A. Christ is God.
B. His eyes of fire–>penetrating judgment
C. His feet of brass–>strong and unmovable
The Comprehension of Christ
A. He knows their virtues
- Their love
- Their service
- Their faith
- Their patience in increasing measure
B. He knows their vices–>You allow Jezebel to teach and seduce My servants to commit fornication/adultery, both marital and spiritual adultery, and to eat/practice idolatry.
Apparently, this Jezebel taught that one can go through the procedures of the guild and “not mean it.” Go ahead and perform the rituals, go through the motions, get your union card, and then you can worship Christ.
C. He gave her time to repent, but not an unlimited time. She did not repent.
The Caution of Christ
A. Time to repent is limited and short.
B. Refusal to repent will result in death.
C. Churches will know He searched the hearts and minds of His people.
The reference to the depths of Satan refers to the esoteric “secrets” of the guild / union / lodge. This is the problem of secret societies. They seem like harmless rituals, but they can be spiritually deadly.
The Challenge of Christ
A. “Hold fast until I come.”
B. He who overcomes the temptations to compromise and to accommodate evil and keeps His Words:
- Receive a reward of power over nations &
- Receive the Morning Star, Revelation 22:16. Jesus is the Morning Star, not the imitator Lucifer.