Revelation 3:7-13
The Character of the City
A. Philadelphia means “brotherly love.”
B. Philadelphia was established as an emissary outpost for Greek language and culture on the edge of the Eastern barbarian world.
C. Philadelphia was a prosperous city because it was a main highway between 2 continents.
D. Philadelphia was known as the “little Athens” because of its beautiful buildings and frequent earthquakes.
The Christ of the Church
A. He is the Holy and True (genuine). He is Real God and Real Man.
B. He has the key of David, meaning He possesses and owns the kingdom, see Isaiah 22:20-23.
Christ has the authority to admit or exclude!
The Comprehension of Christ
A. He knows our works.
- He knows our limitations: our “little strength,” see 2 Corinthians 12:7-10.
- He knows our faith: they have “kept My Word and not denied My Name.”
B. He gives them an open door to missions.
- “See” = sometimes we don’t see opportunities in front of us because we see only problems.
- “Open door” of evangelism, 1 Corinthians 16:9; 2 Corinthians 2:12; Colossians 4:3.
C. He knows what the church has:
- Evangelistic opportunity
- Reliance on God
- Faithfulness to Jesus
The Commendation of Christ
A. He will make those who exclude you to realize they were wrong.
B. He will make them realize He loved you.
C. He will keep you from the hour of trial (the Great Tribulation, not persecution).
The Challenge from Christ
A. He will come quickly / sudden and unexpected.
B. Hold fast what you have–>faithfulness in witnessing.
The Call of Christ to Overcomers
A. He will make us pillars in the Temple of God.
In the earthquakes of Philadelphia, buildings crumbled. Often, the only thing left standing were the pillars of pagan temples.
B. He will give us a permanent dwelling place: “he shall go out no more.” This was a great promise to those who lived in an earthquake zone.
C. He will engrave God’s name and our new name on us.
In the ancient world, a faithful servant would be honored by having his name inscribed on a pillar of a pagan temple.
- “Name of My God” = ownership
- “Name of the city” = heavenly citizenship
- “My new Name” = joint heirs with Christ