Revelation 7:1-17
There is a pause between the sixth and seventh seals. Judgment halts for a brief time while God seals the 144,000 Israelis, and allows a multitude of Gentiles to repent. We see here 2 groups of redeemed people.
The Sealed Israelis, vv. 1-8
A. The Angels of Nature
- Angels of wind, v. 1
- Angels of fire, Revelation 14:8
- Angels of water, Revelation 16:5
- These angels supervise the forces of nature.
B. The Sealing Angel from the East
- Today, the Christian is sealed by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14) the instant one trusts Christ.
- This is a mark of possession and protection.
- The sealing angel commands the wind angels to hold back judgment until God’s servants are sealed and protected from judgment.
C. These sealed servants are all Israelis, 12,000 from each tribe.
- These Israelis will be won to Christ through the ministries of Moses and Elijah during the first 3.5 yrs of the Tribulation, Revelation 11:1-12.
- These Israelis will be God’s chosen missionaries who carry the Gospel to all nations, see Matthew 24:14.
D. The tribe of Dan is missing from this list, and replaced by Manesseh.
- Dan led Israel into idolatry, Judges 18:30; 1 Kings 12:28-30.
- God promised to blot out the name of the idolater, Deuteronomy 29:18-21.
The Saved Gentiles, vv. 9-17
A. The sealed Israelis were numbered, but this multitude of saved Gentiles could not be numbered.
- These Gentiles are not part of the church.
- They came out of the Great Tribulation.
- They stand before the Throne, not on thrones, as the Elders in chapter 4.
B. They have “palms of victory” at the heavenly Feast of Tabernacles , Leviticus 23:40-43.
- They are dressed in white robes which represent the righteousness of the Lamb.
- Verse 14 says they are saved by faith in Christ.
C. These Gentiles persevered to the end, to the death, Matthew 24:113.
- No food or water
- No refuge from the heat
- Suffered tears and testing
- Because they loved the Israelis, they were persecuted.
- Could not buy or sell because they refuse the Mark of the Beast.
- They endured the terrible judgment of the Tribulation: the rationing of food, water turned to blood, and scorching heat.
D. The souls of these believing Gentiles are under the altar.
- These believers were never sealed; they died.
- Revelation 20:4 indicates they have a special resurrection and they will live and reign during the Millennial Kingdom.
The Invitation
A. Be saved and saved by faith in Christ, or
B. Suffer the horrors of the Tribulation without the protection of God.