Temperance is the nurse of chastity.
A night club is a place where the tables are reserved and patrons many times are not.
Alcohol kills the living and preserves the dead.
He that is a drunkard is a candidate for all vice.
Intemperance is voluntary madness.
The true worth of a man is to be measured by the objects he pursues.
An ounce of thought may prevent a pound of apology.
A person pays twice for his cigarettes—once when he get them and second when they get him.
Always drive so that your license expires before you do.
Look before you leap and you won’t limp.
A bright eye indicates curiosity—a black eye, too much.
Three ways to preserve your teeth—brush often, see a dentist twice a year, and mind your own business.
Where I go hereafter depends upon what I do after here.
The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.
When you argue with a fool—two fools are arguing.
Don’t laugh at those who have fallen because there may be some slippery places in your own path.
The man who does as he likes is the bigger slave.
There is no paradox more tragic than a high mentality and a low morality.
Safety belts aren’t as confining as wheelchairs.
Keep out of your life all that keeps Christ out of your thoughts.
All the flowers of tomorrow are seeds today.
Don’t dig a grave for someone else—you may fall into it.
Some men make difficulties—some difficulties make men.
A recipe of life must contain a goodly amount of seasoning.
Some people are like wheelbarrows—they go only when pushed.
The little man is disturbed by little things.
If some people would be a little more careful where they step, those who follow wouldn’t stumble.