This outline is from Harold Willmington. This best expositional outline of this chapter I know.
The Believer Has a New Position, vv. 1-8
A. Our position in regard to the Son of God, vv. 1-3: The believer is “in Christ.”
1. The miracle involved, vv. 1, 3: No condemnation and freed from sin and death.
2. The means involved, v. 2-3: accomplish not through the Law of Moses but by the death of Christ.
B. Our position in regard to the Law of God, vv. 4-8: We are now able to fulfill the righteous requirements of the law in and through Christ.
The Believer Has a New Guest, vv. 9-14
A. Who He is, v. 9–>the Holy Spirit Himself.
B. What He does, vv. 10-14
1. He once strengthened Christ and raised Him from the dead, v. 11.
2. He now lives within us and controls us, v. 9.
3. He now strengthens us and will someday raise us from the dead, vv. 10, 12-14.
The Believer Has a New Adoption, vv. 15-17
We are now members of God’s family:
A. Giving us an intimacy with the Father, vv. 15-16.
B. Giving us an inheritance from the Father, v. 17.
The Believer Has a New Hope, vv. 18-25
This hope is the full and final redemption of all things, including:
A. Christians, vv. 18, 23-25
1. The present grief, vv. 18, 23: Believers groan to be released from pain and suffering.
2. The future glory, vv. 18, 24-25
a. The comparison, v. 18: Today’s grief is nothing when compared with tomorrow’s glory.
b. The command, vv. 24-25: Until then, we are to wait patiently and confidently.
B. Creation, vv. 19-22
1. Nature, the victim, vv. 20, 21-22: The natural world of plants and animals groan in pain because of the fall.
2. Nature, the victor, vv. 19, 21: Nature will be liberated from decay and death to freedom and fruitfulness.
The Believer Has a New Prayer Helper, vv. 26-27
A. The identity of this Helper, v. 26–>the Holy Spirit.
B. The indispensability of this Helper: His prayers are vital , because we don’t know what we should pray for.
C. The intensity of this Helper, vv. 26-27
1. How He prays, v. 26: He prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words.
2. What He prays, v. 27: He pleadds for us in harmony with God’s will.
The Believer Has a New Confidence, v. 28
A. What it involves: God causes everything to work together for good.
B. Whom it involves: Those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.
The Believer Has a New Destiny, vv. 29-39
A. The summary, v. 28: The Father Himself has decreed that all believers should become like His dear Son!
B. The steps, v. 30
1. We were foreknown by the Father.
2. We were predestined by the Father.
3. We were called by the Father.
4. We were justified by the Father.
5. We were glorified by the Father.
C. The security, vv. 31-39
1. There exists no possible accusation against believers, vv. 31-34.
a. The Father will not allow this, vv. 31-33.
1) He once gave us His Son.
2) He now gives us all things.
b. The Son will not allow this, v. 34.
1) He died for us.
2) He was resurrected for us.
3) He now prays for us.
2. There exists no possible separation from the Savior, vv. 35-39. This includes:
a. Both life and death.
b. Both angels and demons.
c. Both present and future.
d. Both height and depth.