The New Heaven and Earth, vv. 1-2
A. “New” means “new in character,” not “new in time.”
- God renovates the old heaven and earth curses and infected by sin.
- God destroys the infection of sin by fire, 2 Peter 3:7-10.
B. “No more sea” — This is the Sea of Separation, cf John on Isle of Patmos.
The New People of God, vv. 3-8
A. God dwells personally with the saints.
B. No more tears, death, or sorrow.
C. It truly is Finished!
The New Jerusalem, vv. 9-27
A. The New Jerusalem descends to the New Earth.
B. Things missing from the city: temple, natural light night.
C. The gates are never closed.
The New Paradise, 22:1-5
A. The River of Life, cf Eden, Genesis 2:10-14
B. The Tree of Life is available to all, cf Eden, Genesis 3:24.
In Judaism, the Torah Scroll is called the Tree of Life. The wooden spools are the branches; the parchments of the scroll are called the leaves of the Tree of Life.
The Final Message, 22:6-21
A. Three Times Christ says, “I am coming quickly.” We must always be ready.
B. Verse 11 is not permission to continue in sin, but a warning. Sin not remediated will take hold like an addiction!
C. The Invitation
- The Spirit and the Bride invite Christ to come.
- The lost soul is invited to drink of the Water of Life and be saved.
D. A Final Warning, vv. 18-19–“Don’t tamper with God’s Word!”