Revelation 5:1-14
All creation has been under the curse of sin, Satan, and death since Adam’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden. See Romans 8:22-23.
The Sealed Book, vv. 1-5
A. Sealed Books in Antiquity
- A Roman will was sealed by 7 seals and only opened by the heir.
- Hebrew land ownership
- If a poor man sold his land or himself, they could be redeemed by a near kinsman.
- The kinsman had to be willing, or it would pass to the next nearest kinsman.
- Examples: Book of Ruth, Jeremiah 32:6-15, Leviticus 25:23-25.
B. This sealed book is Christ’s title deed to creation and He is the Kinsman Redeemer through His blood purchase.
C. The scroll written on both sides means that nothing more could be added to it. The destiny of the sinful world is determined.
D. The Apostle weeps because no one was worthy to redeem creation, until . . .
E. The Angel points to One Who is Worthy!
- The Lion (Genesis 49:8-10): represents Christ’s royalty in the family of David.
- The Root of David (Isaiah 11:1, 10): represents Christ’s deity as the One through Whom David came.
- Christ is Worthy because He has prevailed (Revelation 2:7; 2:11; 2:17; 2:26), He has conquered (Revelation 6:2) and taken the victory (Revelation 17:14).
The Slain Lamb, vv. 6-10
A. John looked for a Lion and saw a Lamb.
- Cannot separate the crown from the cross.
- Isaac asked, “Where is the Lamb?” Genesis 22:7.
- John the Baptist answered, “Behold, the Lamb of God!” John 1:29.
- The Apostle John declares, “Worthy is the Lamb!”
B. John saw a slain Lamb.
- A slain lamb had its throat cut for a sacrifice, and its blood collected.
- Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection are proof that He is worthy to take the Book and open its seals.
C. John saw the 4 Beasts and 24 Elders worship the Lamb.
- The Beasts and Elders have harps.
- The Elders have the prayers of the saints.
- The Elders sing about the cross.
- “They shall reign on the earth.”
The Shouting Hosts, vv. 11-14
A. While the Elders and Creation sang, the angels “say with a loud voice.”
- No evidence in the Bible that angels sing.
- The Christmas angels praised God by “saying,” not singing (see Luke 2:13-14).
- Singing is a privilege reserved for the saints who experienced the joy of salvation.
B. Christ alone is Worthy of praise.
- His enemies said He was worthy of death, but the angels say He is worthy of praise.
- Men accused Him of working by the power of Satan, but the angels say He is worthy of power.
- He became poor for our sakes (2 Corinthians 8:9), but He deserves all riches.
- He was made a curse on the cross, but He is today both the recipient and bestower of blessings.
C. All creation joins in the praise and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Christ is about to open the sealed book and release judgment on the world. The inhabitants left on earth are ignorant of this glorious scene in heaven. As in the days of Noah and Lot, they go on their way, eating and drinking and ignoring God’s warnings.
Will you heed His warnings, and repent? Or will you ignore the warning to your own hurt?