Acts 6:3 and 1 Timothy 3:8-13
Lamar Wadsworth shares this story: “When my children were small, they enjoyed singing choruses as we rode in the car. One they especially liked was ‘You Can’t Be a Beacon If Your Light Don’t Shine.’ One time when they were singing, I noticed something didn’t sound right, so I dropped out to listen. Melissa, about five or six a the time, was singing ‘You can’t be a deacon if your light don’t shine.’ She had the words of the chorus wrong, but she was right about deacons–they should be shining lights who point others to Christ.”
Prospective deacons must meet biblical qualifications.
Deacons should demonstrate growth toward a mature faith.
A. Experience God’s Presence–>”full of the Spirit”
B. Insight to God’s Perspective–>”full of wisdom”
C. Integrate Faith into Life–>”holder of the faith”
D. Demonstrate Maturity–>”have a good reputation”
Deacons should demonstrate growth toward a Christian homelife.
A. A deacon should be faithful to his marriage.
B. A deacon’s wife should be mature in her faith.
- She must be dignified, worthy of respect–godly, devout, reverent.
- She must not be a malicious gossip. Deacons are not to be “double-tongued” and their wives are not to be devil-tongued.
- She must be self-controlled or temperate.
- She must be faithful in all her relationships.
C. A deacon should be a good father, raising his children in the Christian faith.
D. A deacon should be a good manager of his family life.
Deacons should demonstrate growth toward personal and public morality.
A. A deacon must have a godly life–respectable conduct.
B. A deacon must have a controlled tongue–not double-tongued.
C. A deacon must have a Spirit-controlled body–not given to much wine, drunkenness.
D. A deacon must have right priorities–not greedy of filthy lucre.
Deacons should demonstrate growth toward life accepted by God and church.
A. A deacon must be born-again.
B. A deacon must be “tested” and proved faithful.
- Faithful in devotion and service to God and the church.
- Faithful in doctrinal purity.
C. A deacon must be confident in his faith, 1 Timothy 3:13.