Very few people are fast enough to keep up with all their good intentions.
On the bypass of by and by, man arrived at the conclusion of never.
Promises are like snowballs—they are easy to make but hard to keep.
Never put off until tomorrow what you feel like doing today—tomorrow it may be against the doctor’s order.
Always put off until tomorrow what you should not do at all.
One reason for doing the right things today is tomorrow.
Since our task is difficult, we dare not relax; since our opportunities are brief, we dare not delay.
Sometimes it’s better to put off until tomorrow what you are likely to louse up today.
Procrastination is the devil’s chloroform.
Never put off until tomorrow what you should have done yesterday.
Tomorrow is the road that often leads to the house of despair.
The lazier the man, the more he plans for tomorrow.
There will always be enough for today without taking on yesterday.
Do your work today as if there were no tomorrow.
He who neglects the present moment may throw away all he has.
Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the year.
One of these days is too often none of these days.
You plan to make good some day—why not make good today?
The man who procrastinates struggles with ruin.
The devil doesn’t care how much we do, as long as we don’t do it today.
If you put off until tomorrow what can be done today, someone may invent a machine to do it for you.
A little neglect may breed mischief.
A procrastinator suffers from hardening of the oughteries.
One of the devil’s most successful wiles is “Wait just a little while.”
Procrastination never landed one soul in heaven, but it has doomed many to an eternal hell.
It’s never too early to accept Christ, but at any moment it could be too late.
Hard work is often the piling up of the easy things you neglected to do.
Join the TNT Club—Today Not Tomorrow.
He who hesitates is last.
Putting off tough jobs makes them harder.
Live as though every day were you last—and someday you will be right.