It’s possible to do the right thing for the wrong reasons.
It’s never right to do wrong, and it’s never wrong to do right.
Every day every Christian must choose among progression, discretion, and retrogression.
The person with small principles draws small interest.
When it comes to a solid principle, it’s better to be a hardtop than a convertible.
Better to have poisoned blood than to have poisoned principles.
A man is never better than his principles.
A person without principles in one area will doubtless have principles in another.
One may be better than his reputation but never better than his principles.
When a person sells principles for popularity, he is soon bankrupt.
It is impossible to travel in the wrong direction and reach the right destination.
Be square if you want a circle of friends.
Hope of ill gain is the beginning of loss.
Many a rich bird feathers his nest by foul means.