Enjoy Your Citizenship!
Paul appeals to the spiritually mature Christians to continue living by the Spirit and not be deceived by legalist false teachers.
Thesis: God wants us to continue living by the Spirit. Why?
You Are a True Christian, v. 3
A. You worship God in the Spirit.
B. You rejoice in Christ, you glory in Christ.
You Are Spiritually Mature, v. 15
A. You do not walk by the flesh, v. 18.
B. You are not an enemy of the cross of Christ, like those who live by the flesh, v. 18.
C. You are not condemned, like those who live by the flesh, v. 19 and Romans 8:1.
You Are a Citizen of Heaven, vv. 20-21
A. Tourists are subject to the laws of a foreign country, but also enjoy the help of their country’s intervention.
B. Tourists do not have to act like foreigners; they can enjoy being themselves as strangers.
C. We await our Lord’s coming when we shall be made like Him.