Negotiation Skills
The art of negotiating is something you learn at an early age. You’d be amazed how many teenagers get their first car by asking for a motorcycle.
Strategy for Interpersonal Convincing
Never try to prove to the other person that you are right. It is human nature to object to anyone who insists he is right. Rather, always present your arguments in such a manner as to do your best to prove that you are wrong. If you follow this approach, especially when you are sure you are right, the person you are trying to convince will bring up strong evidence in behalf of your cause and prove to himself and to the world that your stand is correct. –Louis Pasteur
Manipulation Versus Persuasion
The line between manipulative and persuasive motivators is very difficult to draw sometimes. The manipulative person is persuasive and deceptive. You may get manipulated into doing something because of trickery. For example, a woman who is pretending to be hurt and doesn’t really feel that way is being a manipulator. Her emotions are delivered in counterfeit form. A persuasive person, on the other hand, seeks to convince people because he believes that following his course will be best, most successful. –F. Lee Bailey
Powerful Salesmanship
Elizabeth Brinton, thirteen-year-old Girl Scout, explaining how she sold 11,200 boxes of cookies: “You have to look people in the eye and make them feel guilty.”