Perhaps the most important trip you will ever make is going the second mile.
Today is not won by old victories nor lost by old defeats.
You lose a lot of battles in the process of winning the war.
Patience is waiting without worrying.
I would rather be hurt than do hurt.
The difficult things take a long time–the impossible take a little longer.
Investigate mistakes only when you are calm.
The wonderful thing about patience is that it goes a long way, and yet the more we use it, the more we have.
Christ’s forbearance and long-suffering transformed Peter. It changes us, too.
Do not ask to have your life’s load lightened, but to have courage to endure.
Do not ask for fulfillment in your life but for patience to accept frustration.
The truest test of moral courage is the ability to ignore the insult.
Instead of putting others in their place, trying putting yourself in their place occasionally.
A watched pot never boils–the secret of patience is to divert your attention to something else.
A man without patience is like a car without brakes.
All things come to him who waits. Sometimes, though, it’s just the leftovers from the fellow who got there first.
If the Lord loves a cheerful giver, he also loves a thankful loser.
He will not have a barren mind who knows how to bear in mind.
When we pray for rain, we must be willing to put up with some mud.
It takes courage when you are in the minority–but tolerance when you’re in the majority.
Patience is often simply not being able to decide what to do.
It’s the little things that annoy us; we can sit on a mountain but not on a tack.
It’s better to help others to get on than to tell them when to get off.
Patience is the ability to keep your shirt on when you are hot under the collar.
Patience is the companion of wisdom. A day ahead is better than ten years behind.
The end never justifies the meanness.
If you are able to pat a fellow on his head when you feel like bashing it in, you are a patient person.
There are times when God asks nothing of His children except silence, patience, and tears.
Patience is a great virtue–but work while you wait.
Those who wait on the Lord will run without the weight of sin.
The secret of patience is to do something else in the meantime.
If you love rainbows, you must be willing to put up with some rain.
Patience is a virtue that carries a lot of wait.
A weakness many have is they want others to be better than they are willing to be themselves.
Tolerance is sometimes the uncomfortable feeling that the other fellow may be right after all.
Better to be patient on the road than a patient in the hospital.
With patience, a well can be dug with a needle.
The best way to stop stepping on other people’s toes is to put yourself in their shoes.
When problems come your way, get ready to sing and rejoice–God is about to do something great in and through you.
It is best to look for the good in others because that’s the best way to find the good in yourself.
One test of good manners is to be able to put up pleasantly with the bad ones.
You cannot antagonize and persuade at the same time.
Patience is a tree whose root is bitter, but its fruit is very sweet.
Patience strengthens the spirit, sweetens the temper, subdues the pride, and bridles the tongue.
This world would be a fine place if people were always as patient as they are when they are waiting for a fish to bite.
It’s easier to have patience with others when we remember God’s patience toward us.
Hurry will get you one place ahead of time–the cemetery.
Patience is not always a virtue–especially when you are in quicksand.