Revelation 4:1-11
Psalm 103:19 The Lord hath prepared His throne in the heavens; and His kingdom ruleth over all.
A. The word “throne” appears 12 times in this chapter.
B. The word “throne” appears 46 times in the Book of Revelation.
C. The throne of God rules the universe, not the thrones of men.
The Summons from the Throne, v. 1
A. The Different Doors in Revelation
- the door of service, Revelation 3:8.
- the door closed against Christ, Revelation 3:20.
- the door into heaven, Revelation 4:1.
- the door out from heaven, Revelation 19:11.
B. This call is the Rapture of the Church.
- Heaven is open to receive God’s children.
- The voice like a trumpet, calling all God’s children to assemble in heaven, 1 Thessalonians 4:16; 1 Corinthians 15:52.
- It is a sudden event, like a thief in the night.
- It comes at the end of the Church Age.
- John is transported to the throne room of Heaven.
- This signals the beginning of God’s judgment on the world.
The Glory of the Throne, vv. 2-3
A. God the Father on the Throne.
- Jasper is clear = God’s purity and holiness.
- Sardine is red = God’s wrath and judgment.
B. Emerald rainbow around the Throne. Green is the color of life, grace, and mercy.
The Elders around the Throne, v. 4
A. These Elders are NOT angels.
- We never see angels on thrones.
- We never see angels with crowns.
- In Revelation 7:11, elders are distinguished from angels.
- In Revelation 5:8-10, elders sing hymns of praise for their redemption, something angels cannot claim.
- In Revelation 5:12, angels speak; in Revelation 5:9, elders sing.
- Angels are never numbered, Hebrews 12:22.
- “Elder” signifies maturity, while angels are ageless, timeless beings.
B. Some suggest the elders are the 24 priests of the OT Temple, see 1 Chronicles 24:3-5, 18.
C. Most likely, these elders represent the redeemed of the OT and NT saints.
The Judgments from the Throne, v. 5
A. Thunder and lightning are warnings that a storm is coming.
B. God thundered at Sinai when He gave the Law, and He will thunder again to judge those that break His Law.
The Objects before the Throne, vv. 5-11
A. The lamps are symbols of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of burning, see Isaiah 4:4.
In this age of grace, the Spirit is pictured as a dove of peace; but after the Rapture of the Church, the Spirit will minister a judgment of fire.
B. The Sea of Glass is a Heavenly Temple, Revelation 11:19.
- 7 lamps refer to 7-branched menorahs.
- Sea of Glass is the brass laver of the Temple.
- The Throne is the Ark of the Covenant where God reigned in glory.
- In Revelation 6:9-11, the altar of sacrifice in heaven
- In Revelation 8:3-5, the incense altar in heaven
- The 4 Beasts are the cherubim embroidered on the veil of the Temple.
C. The 4 Beasts represent God’s covenant with creation (Genesis 9:8-13), where made a covenant with: 1) mankind, 2) fowls, 3) cattle, and 4) wild beasts. God will keep His promise to deliver creation from the curse of sin, Romans 8:19-24.
The Praise around the Throne, vv. 8-11
A. All creation praises Him.
B. All the redeemed praises Him.