When someone is born again, not only does he have a new character, he has a new name.
Biblical names indicated a person’s character.
- Simon meant “unstable, shifty”; Jesus changed his name and character to Peter, meaning “rock solid, Rocky.”
- Jacob meant “supplanter, trickster, con-artist”; God changed his name and character.
Thesis: God changes our character through fervent struggle and prayer.
Jacob Wrestled with Fear.
A. He cheated his brother:
- out of his birthright, the family fortune;
- out of his blessing, the father’s favor.
B. He confronts his brother:
- will Esau forgive?
- will Esau fight?
Jacob Wrestled with Faith.
A. God provided representatives to strengthen Jacob, vv. 1-2.
B. God provided prayer to strengthen Jacob, vv. 9-12.
C. God provided promise to strengthen Jacob, v. 12.
Jacob Wrestled with Fervor.
A. Jacob petitioned for a blessing, vv. 26, 29.
- He struggled with God, vv. 24-29.
- He suffered disfigurement, vv. 25, 31-32.
- He saw God, v. 30.
- He survived, v. 30.
B. Jacob prevailed with God in prayer.
- He secured a new name, v. 28.
- He secured a new character, Israel, v. 28
Joyce Dundas, a school teacher, told this story: “I got married in the summer. When I returned to teaching in September, I told my first graders, most of whom I had taught in kindergarten, that they were to call me Mrs. Dundas rather than Miss Dolan.
“That afternoon, the mother of one of my pupils asked her daughter her teacher’s name. The child replied, ‘She says her name is Mrs. Dundas, but she sure looks like Miss Dolan to me.'”
- Jacob’s name and character was changed when he saw God at Peniel.
- Our characters were changed when we met Christ at Calvary.
- Just like Israel, we still halt around with the old flesh.
- To the world, we still look like the same old people. But to Christ, we have a new name, a new character, a new man/identity.
- We must pray until we prevail in knowing God’s will.
- We receive courage to face our worst fears through prayer.
- We receive God’s blessings when we wrestle with faith.
When Jesus saved us, He gave us a new name (Revelation 2:17). Let us so live that others will say, “He says his name is Christian, and he sure looks like a Christian to me.”
You will not look like a Christian unless you have power with God and with men, v. 28.
- Are you wrestling with fear? Pray.
- Are you wrestling with faith? Trust God.
- Are you wrestling with fervor? Prevail.
This New Year you can have power with God and with men. Why? Because those who trust Christ have a new name. How? Through prevailing prayer and trust in God.