A Comparison of the Two Birth Announcements
- Introduction of the key figures: Zechariah and Elizabeth; Mary.
- Mention of special condition precluding normal conception: old age of Elizabeth and the virginity of Mary.
- Encounter with the angel Gabriel.
- Troubled response: Zechariah to the angelic visitation; Mary to the greeting.
- Angel’s call not to fear, addressing each by name.
- Birth announcement including the giving of the child’s name, prediction of each child’s greatness, the role of the Spirit in what is to happen, and the future role of the child.
- A question in response that finds a problem with the angelic announcement.
- Angelic answer that includes a sign: Zechariah’s mouth shut; Mary told of Elizabeth’s pregnancy in old age.
- A departure statement.
A Contrast of the Two Birth Announcements
- The first is in response to prayer; the second is entirely by the initiation of God.
- Conception by the barren and aged is a wonder of God, but has OT precedents; conception by a virgin is an unheard-of wonder.
- Zechariah is greeted by name; Mary is greeted with a blessing.
- John will be great before the Lord; but Jesus’s greatness knows no qualifications.
- John is consecrated to Nazirite abstinence; Jesus’s holiness extends to the very basis of His existence.
- John will be a preparer; but Jesus will be Son and King forever.
- John will be filled with the Holy Spirit while still in the womb; but Jesus’s human existence is due entirely to the activity of the Spirit.
- Zechariah could not believe the angelic announcement; Mary declared herself ready for God’s declared purpose.
Unborn John Leaps in the Presence of the Unborn Jesus, v. 41, cf 2 Samuel 6:2-19
A. Mary as a type of the Ark of the Covenant
B. Unborn Jesus as type of Shekinah Glory
C. Unborn John as type of the Leaping David
Elizabeth’s Blessing of Mary, vv. 42-45
A. Mary is blessed because, unlike Zechariah, she believed God.
B. Mary is blessed, not because of her holy qualifications, but because of the Child she will bear–>GRACE.
Mary’s Magnificat, vv. 46-55
- God is my Savior, v. 47
- God has regard for me, v.48
- God is mighty, v. 49
- God has done great things for me, v. 49
- God’s name if holy, v. 49
- God has mercy on those who fear Him, v. 50
- God demonstrates His strength, v. 51
- God scatters the proud, v. 51
- God dethrones the mighty, v. 52
- God exalts the humble, v. 52
- God satisfies the hungry, v. 53
- God sends the rich away empty, v. 53
- God helps His servant, v. 54
- God remembers to be merciful, v. 54
Mary’s and Elizabeth’s conversation is centered on what God is doing.
Luke understood his contrast between the humble poor and the haughty rich in a religious sense. The proud are frequently the ruling rich; and the humble, the oppressed poor.