Jehovah’s Promise, vv. 1-3
A. The Written Word Is Immutable, Hebrews 6:18
1. The Writing does not change.
2. The Writing is a reference for the future.
B. Israel and Judah Returns to the Land, v. 3
1. Israel, the Northern Tribes, are completely assimilated and unknown to the world.
2. Judah, the Jews, are known and hated by the world.
Jacob’s Trouble, vv. 4-16
A. The Nature of Jacob’s Trouble, vv. 4-11: Satan’s worst persecution ever.
B. The Need for Jacob’s Trouble,vv. 12-16
1. Punish Jacob for their spiritual adultery, v. 15.
2. Purify Jacob from their spiritual adultery, vv. 14, 16.
Jacob’s Restoration, vv. 17-22
A. Jerusalem shall be rebuilt, v. 18
B. Jehovah shall be revered, vv. 19-20
C. Jehovah’s Messiah shall rule, vv. 21-22
Jehovah’s Promise, vv. 23-24
A. The fury of Jehovah’s wrath shall punish the wicked, v. 23.
B. The fury of Jehovah’s wrath shall not stop until it is finished, v. 24.