Indifference: A vacation from God can be a grace affair.
Moderate: a fellow who makes enemies left and right.
The last nation before damnation is stagnation.
Misdeeds and missed deeds are sins of commission and omission.
The way some people act nowadays they must think that hell has been air-conditioned.
The person who stands neutral usually stands for nothing.
Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.
There are many living who seem dead–there are many dead who continue to live.
The tragedy of man is that he dies inside while he is still alive.
No one cares who is pulling the cart until the horse is dead.
Love will find a way–indifference will find an excuse.
Some people take a stand for Christ and never move again.
Looking at the way some people live, they ought to obtain eternal fire insurance soon.
Our most recent poll showed that 90 percent of the people are not interested in the opinions of others.
Knowing without doing is like plowing without sowing.
Too many people follow the path of least assistance.
Some people think the opposite of love is hate, but it really is indifference.
The only person worse than a quitter is the person who didn’t try.
After all is said and done, more is said than done.
While we deliberate on how to begin a thing, it grows too late to begin it.
Beware of the musty, dusty, and crusty Christian.
Easy street is a blind alley.
Some people spend a whole lifetime developing one part of their body–their wishbone.
Nothing is as tiresome as doing nothing.
Some ask what this nation stands for and the answer is easy–not much.
A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his own car.
You cannot expect to feel God’s presence if you are too busy.
Hardening of men’s hearts ages them quicker than hardening of the arteries.
So many people are so afraid of being taken in that they are alwasy left out.
The toughest kind of climbing is getting out of a rut.
Definition of average–lowest of the best and the best of the lowest.
One who has light views of the Son will never have great thoughts of God.
The road to ruin is always in good repair.
We cannot avoid growing old, but we can avoid growing cold.
God’s greatest problem with laborers is His vineyard is absenteeism.
By the time most people have made up their minds, opportunity has passed them.
The man who does as he pleases is seldom pleased with what he does.
No one is as busy as the man who has nothing to do.
Half of the people are trying to get something for nothing–the other half are trying to give nothing for something.
It is not possible for a person to be what he ought to be until he does what he ought to be doing.
When you are coasting, you are either losing speed or going downhill.
When a man doesn’t care what people think of him, he has reached either the top or the bottom.
We cannot really be for something we don’t understand.
People who wait until they feel like doing a job rarely do.
A little planning is a fine thing; too much planning may be an excuse for not getting anything done.
The road to failure is greased with the slime of indifference.
The wrongdoer is often one who has left something undone, not always one who has done something wrong.
It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing because you can do only a little.
People who never do any more than they are paid for never get paid for any more than they do.
To know what is right and not to do it is just as bad as actively doing wrong.
As long as you tolerate even the slightest sin and inconsistency in your life, the devil has a toehold.
We speak of the average American but maybe what’s wrong with our nation is that we have too many who are average.
People seldom lose their religion by a blowout; it’s usually a slow leak.
Too many Christians have the truth on ice instead of on fire.
The less one has to do, the less time one finds to do it.
The devil is never too busy to rock the cradle of a sleeping saint.
God is never satisfied with people who are satisfied with themselves.
The most dangerous day in any man’s life is the day he decides he knows enough.
What people call their fate is often the result of their own foolishness.
The man who fiddles around seldom gets to lead the orchestra.
Laziness travels so slowly that poverty soon overtakes it.
A lot of people have the right aim in life; they just fail to pull the trigger.
Some people are flexible–they can put either foot in their mouth.
The seven last words of the church: “We never did it that way before.”
Dollars are not put in the bank by depositing your rear quarters in an easy chair.
The biggest cemetery in the country is where unused talents are buried.
They too are evil who see an evil act and do nothing.
Some people lose their liberty by taking too many liberties.
There are many “lily Christians.” They toil not, neither do they spin.
Our faith and friendship are not shattered by one big act, but by many small neglects.
There are too many semi-Christians.
It is neglect of timely repair that makes rebuilding necessary.
Waiting for a brain wave is the surest way of missing the tide.
We invite defeat when we remember what we should forget.
The more you leave to chance, the less chance you have for success.
You put a great deal of pressure on your dignity when you stand on it.
Ask the fisherman–loose floaters soon drift away.
It doesn’t do much good to put your best foot forward if you are dragging the other one.
Be careful of apathy–like pessimism, it’s catching.
The greatest of all evils is indifference toward evil.
Getting rid of the rust is a spiritual must.