Happiness is when you see your husband’s old girlfriend and she’s fatter than you.
There are few dark days ahead for those who have learned to spread sunshine.
Happiness is like your shadow. Run after it and you will never catch it, but keep your face to the sun and it will follow you.
Some don’t know what happiness is until it’s gone.
Do something every day to make someone happy, even if it means leaving him alone.
The happiest people are those who discover that what they should be doing and what they are doing are the same things.
Three enemies that oppose happiness—worry, boredom, and self-centeredness.
Share laughter with others to help them understand that you and they have objectives in common.
The surest steps to happiness are the church steps.
A song in the heart will put a smile upon the face.
The light of God’s Son in your heart will put His sunshine on your face.
You’ll add to your joy when you count your blessings.
The Lord respects those who work, but He loves those who sing.
The most wasted day is the day when one has not laughed.
Joy is the best proof of having the presence of God.
Unhappiness always seeks to get—happiness always seeks to give.
A rejoicing Christian is one of God’s best advertisements.
Laugh a lot, and when you are older, all your wrinkles will be in the right places.
A merry heart goes all day long, but a sad heart tires in a minute.
You have the rest of your life to be miserable, so enjoy today.
Remember—laughter is “internal jogging.”
Some people find happiness by making the most of what they haven’t got.
Happiness comes when we stop complaining about our troubles and begin to be thankful for the troubles we don’t have.
The good we do today becomes the happiness of tomorrow.
Many people miss much happiness because they never stop to enjoy it while they have it.
One should not marry to find happiness but to share happiness.
You can attract sinners to Christ when you have His song in your heart.
In the eyes of the Christian, happiness is wanting what you get.
To be with Jesus forever is the sum of happiness.
It is easy to sing when we walk with the King.
Laughter can always be heard farther than weeping.
Happiness is usually the result of hard work.
Happiness can be thought, taught, and caught—but not bought.
Happiness multiplies as we divide it with others.
Sharing, whether good or bad, usually produces happiness.
Unhappiness is not knowing what we want and killing ourselves to get it.
The foolish man seeks happiness in tomorrow, but the wise man finds it today.
Life is always worthwhile to the person who can laugh, love, and lift.
A sense of humor is what makes you laugh at something that would make you angry if it happened to you.
Happiness is that peculiar sensation you encounter when you’re just too busy to feel miserable.
If you are really concerned about what you wear, remember your facial expressions can be the most important.
The secret of happiness sometimes depends on what you don’t do.
Wealth does not insure happiness, but then neither does poverty.
Joy is multiplied when you share it.
Joy comes from giving to Christ—not getting from Him.
Happiness is not doing what you like—it’s liking what you do.
A smile is a powerful weapon; you can break ice with it.
Happiness is a place between too little and too much.
Happiness in life seems to rest more heavily on interests than it does on assets.
The roots of happiness grow deepest in the soil of service.
Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
Some Christians give the impression they were baptized in vinegar.
Some grin and bear it; others smile and change it.
Laughter is a mini-vacation.
Have you ever found any happiness in doing a mean thing?
Out of dismay and disappointment comes lasting joy.
Happiness should be like childhood diseases—sooner or later, each of us should catch it.
Make one person happy each day—even if it’s yourself.
Humor is to life what shock absorbers are to automobiles.
The good we do today becomes the happiness of tomorrow.
True happiness lies in satisfaction.
Usually people are as happy as they make up their minds to be.
Joy is not in things; it is in us.
The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
If you can laugh at your mistakes, you will be much happier.
If you trust God in the dark, He’ll change your midnight into music.
Happiness depends on happenings; joy depends on Jesus.
Too busy to be happy? Then you are too busy to enjoy life.
A smile will go a long way, but you must start it on its journey.
Joy is the by-product of obedience.
Joy is the flag that is flown from the castle of the heart when the King is in residence there.
One of the surest ways to happiness is to learn to enjoy all the things you think you dislike.
It takes seventy-three muscles to frown and only fourteen to smile. No wonder grouchy people are always tired.
Since you cannot have all you want, make your life happy by wanting what you have.
Three grand essentials to happiness are: something to do; something to love; and something to hope for.
Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects.
The heights of happiness and holiness are precisely the same slopes.
An optimist laughs to forget; the pessimist forgets to laugh.
Some young people want life, liberty, and an automobile for the pursuit of happiness.
The truest expression of Christianity is not a sigh but a song.
The city of happiness is in the state of mind.
Laugh and the world laughs with you; complain and you live alone.
Cheerfulness oils the machinery of life.
Happiness depends mainly upon the improvement of small opportunities.
Happiness is not having and getting; it consists of giving and serving.
Share your joy—it take two to be glad.
A man without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs—he is jolted by every pebble in the road.
Some people bring happiness wherever they go; others whenever they do.
Laughter, if it comes from the heart, is a heavenly thing.
Keep your happiness in circulation.
He who laughs last probably intended to tell the store himself.
God often digs the wells of joy with the spade of sorrow.
He who laughs, lasts.
The trouble with happiness is that it can’t buy money.
Make it your business to be happy and your business will be happy.
Some people find happiness by making the most of what they haven’t got.
Happiness is not where you live but how you live.
The real secret to success is to be happy when you really aren’t.
Real happiness is cheap enough, and yet we often pay dearly for its counterfeit.