His name means “comfort.” His destiny was to comfort and strengthen humanity.
Noah Was Holy, v. 9
A. He was righteous; he did right.
B. He was blameless; he was not guilty of doing wrong.
C. He walked with God.
- We walk with God when we agree with God, Amos 3:3.
- We walk with God when we obey God’s word, 2 John 6.
- We walk with God when we love others, 2 John 6.
Noah Was Obedient, 6:14, 22 & 7:5
A. He received a God-sized task: build a sea-worthy ark.
B. He received instructions for a God-sized task.
- Build it with cypress / gopher wood, vv. 14-15.
- a. 450 feet long
- b. 75 feet wide
- c. 45 feet high
- d. put a window in the roof
- e. build three decks
- f. build a door in the side
- Seal it with pitch / tar, v. 14.
C. He received the ridicule of his neighbors for 100 years, cf 5:32 & 7:6.
D. He received God’s Word to preach, 2 Peter 2:5.
Noah Was Saved by Faith, Hebrews 11:7
A. He believed God’s Word.
B. He acted on God’s Word. Faith without works is dead.
C. He was sealed by God, 7:16.
- Safe for the 40 days and nights of judgment.
- Safe for the 110 days of sailing.
- Safe for the 221 days of waiting for the waters to recede.
D. He received God’s covenant, 8:20 to 9:17.
E. He worshiped God, 8:20.
Noah Was Careless, Genesis 9:20-29
A. He yielded to temptation.
B. He exposed his sin.
C. He cursed his son.
We were created to comfort and help.
- Are you holy?
- Are you obedient?
- Are you saved?
- Are you careless?