The Sign of God’s Promise
More and more people see the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. What Alzheimer’s does is to change a person into the basest human being. Often the person suffering from Alzheimer’s is mean and vile, and cannot control their actions and functions.
When a Christian gets Alzheimer’s disease and that person’s attitude and personality changes, does that person lose their salvation?
Textual Idea: God delivered Noah and his family through the Flood Judgment and gave Noah the rainbow to remind him of God’s promise.
Thesis: God preserves His people and gives them a sign of His promise.
The passage suggests three reasons God preserves His people through judgment.
God Preserves His People because of His Mercy
A. Exegesis, 6:1-8
- God’s just condemnation of man’s and the fallen angels’ depravity.
- “Noah found favor” = God’s “compassion that forbears punishment even when justice demands it.”
- Noah and his family obeyed God’s commands in the midst of jeers and laughter.
- Noah and his family were saved through the Flood because God “shut the door.”
B. Illustration
Napoleon was moved by a mother’s plea for a pardon for her son. However, the Emperor said it was the second offense, and justice demanded death. “I do not ask for justice,” begged the mother, “I plead for mercy.”
“But,” said Napoleon, “he does not deserve mercy.”
“Sire,” cried the mother, “it would not be mercy if he deserved it, and mercy is all I ask for.”
The compassion and clarity of the mother’s logic prompted Napoleon to respond: “Well, then, I will have mercy.”
Mercy is what Christ had on us when He chose us, called us, and pardoned our sins.
C. Application
- God does not favor us because of our righteousness; God favors us and makes us righteous through Jesus Christ.
- God seals us into the Ark of safety through the storms of life.
- Christ is our Ark of safety.
God Preserves His People because of His Covenant
A. Exegesis, 9:11
- Definition of “covenant” = a formal, binding agreement, a contract
- Noahic Covenant was God’s promise never to destroy the world with a Flood.
- The covenant signified a new beginning of God’s Providential care, 8:21-22.
B. Illustration
A father and his daughter drifted far from the shore while swimming. Suddenly the girl, near exhaustion, realized that she could not swim back to safety. Her father had only strength enough to return and was unable to tow her in. He instructed her to float and remain as calm as possible until he could return with help. Later, when he returned, he found her calmly waiting. When someone remarked concerning her composure in the midst of such danger, she replied, “He said he would come for me, and that I could float all day, so I swam and floated, because I knew he would come.”
C. Application
- God’s Providential care will sustain the order of nature.
- Salvation is not based on what we do; salvation is based on a promise from God, Romans 10:13.
God Preserves His People because of His Sign
A. Exegesis, 9:12-17
- What is the importance of a Sign in Covenants?
- a. Covenant sign with Abraham = circumcision
- b. Covenant sign with Israel at Sinai = Sabbath
- c. New Covenant Sign with Christians = baptism and the seal of the Holy Spirit, 2 Corinthians 1:21-22.
- Sign is an outward declaration of the covenant.
- Sign of the Rainbow is a reminder that God hung up His war-bow because of His peaceful covenant promise.
B. Illustration–Sign on a computer screen
C. Application
- Our salvation is based on our faith in God’s promise, Romans 10:13.
- God does not forget His promises to us, even if we forget, 2 Timothy 2:11-13.
The Bible teaches that one day God’s creative actions will be completed and God will replace this universe with His Kingdom. When that Day of the Lord comes, will you have an ark of safety? Only Jesus Christ is the way of salvation. Has Christ’s redemptive work been started in you? If not, the Bible says, “Repent, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.” Then allow the sign of God’s redemptive act be placed on you. And let the world know that you belong to Jesus.
And when the Day of Judgment comes, God will preserve His people and give them a new name, a new home, a new beginning, and a new sign–that God will never again destroy.