From Slave to Prime Minister
Christians do not always understand why they face adversity. Some resent being overlooked for promotions; yet they feel inadequate when put to the challenge of the promotion. Just as a sculptor chisels off the rough edges of a masterpiece sculpture, so God allows adversity to chisel off our rough edges.
Joseph had some rough edges. Through his slavery and imprisonment, God prepared Joseph to become a powerful ruler in order to save his family.
Thesis: God prepares us through adversity for ministry.
How does God prepare us for ministry?
God Prepares Us through Visions
A. Exegesis, Genesis 37
- Vision of the Sheaves bowing down to his sheaf, vv. 6-8.
- Vision of Sun, Moon, and Stars bowing down to him, v. 9.
- Joseph was obnoxious.
B. Illustration
A passenger on a dining car looked over the luncheon menu. The list included both a chicken salad sandwich and a chicken sandwich. He decided on the chicken salad sandwich, but absent-mindedly wrote chicken sandwich on the order slip.
When the waiter brought the chicken sandwich, the customer angrily protested. Most waiters would have immediately picked up the order slip and shown the customer that the mistake was his. This waiter didn’t. Instead, expressing regret at the error, he picked up the chicken sandwich, returned to the kitchen, and a moment later placed the chicken salad sandwich in front of the customer.
While eating his sandwich, the customer picked up the order slip and saw the mistake was his. When it came time to pay the check, the man apologized to the waiter and offered to pay for both sandwiches.
The waiter responded, “No, sir. That’s perfectly all right. I’m just happy you’ve forgiven me for being right.”
C. Application–Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy.
God Prepares Us through Adversity
A. Exegesis–Joseph learned submission to God.
- through the humiliation and abuse of slavery, chapters 37 & 39.
- through false accusations of rape, chapter 39.
- through obscurity in prison, chapter 40.
B. Illustration
When he was seven years old, his family was forced out of their home on a legal technicality, and he had to work to help support the family. At age nine, his mother died. At twenty-two, he lost his job as a store clerk. He wanted to go to law school, but his education wasn’t good enough. At twenty-three, he went into debt to become a partner in a small store. At twenty-six, his business partner died, leaving him a huge debt that took years to repay. At twenty-eight, after courting a girl for four years, he asked her to marry him. She said no. At thirty-seven, on his third try, he was elected to Congress, but two years later, he failed to be reelected. At forty-one, his four-year-old son died. At forty-five, he ran for the Senate and lost. At forty-seven, he failed as the vice presidential candidate. At forty-nine, he ran for the Senate again and lost. At fifty-one, he was elected president of the United States. His name was Abraham Lincoln, a man many consider the greatest leader the country ever had. Some people get all the breaks!
C. Application
- Adversity either makes you better or bitter.
- Submission to God is learned through submission to authorities.
God Prepares Us through Revelation
A. Exegesis–Joseph learned to plan and organize for ministry.
- Amos 3:7 “Surely the Sovereign Lord does nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets.”
- God revealed to Joseph about the coming famine.
- God led Pharaoh to appoint Joseph as the Prime Minister and gave him authority:
- a. to prepare Egypt for the famine.
- b. to preserve Joseph’s family in Palestine.
- c. to bless the rest of the world through Abraham’s offspring.
B. Illustration–Planning and Organizing
Joseph went right to work, going throughout Egypt. He personally oversaw everything for seven long years. Wasteful consumption of the abundant crops had to be restrained, storehouses had to be built, careful records of the contents had to be made. The people, who could not look so far as seven years ahead, and who wanted to enjoy their abundance, had to be reminded of the Vision of God.
C. Application
- Christians can readily pray for God’s direction and plan to accomplish the task.
- Spiritual leaders are given authority by God to organize and administrate the vision of God.
- Churches that do not plan or obey the vision of God soon die out.