Taming Temptation
Every person is tempted. Everyone who has a body to live in will be tempted through that body. Everyone who has a mind will be tempted through thoughts.
Thesis: Temptations have no power over us, unless we allow temptation to control us.
I want to ask some questions about temptation and look for answers to my questions from this Scripture passage.
Who Is Attacked by Temptation? vv. 2-3
A. Temptations attack those who are trying to do right.
- Temptation attacks the Christian trying to do what is good, honorable, and respectable.
- Temptation doesn’t attack those who have surrendered to the evil one, Satan. Their struggle is over, because they are enslaved to sin and Satan.
B. The Tempter, Satan, twists and perverts all the good appetites God has given us, Genesis 3.
When Do Temptations Attack? vv. 6 & 11
A. Temptations come with every new freedom that is given, v. 6.
- Joseph was entrusted with the total management of Potiphar’s household.
- A man is never tempted to take money from someone’s cash register until he first is given access to it.
- This is the liberty of grace that the Bible warns us about. We are never to use our freedom as an occasion for sin, Galatians 5:13ff.
B. Temptations are the fiercest when we are left alone, v. 11.
What Are the Identifying Marks of Temptation?
A. Temptations appeal to one’s pride, vv. 6-7.
- Flattery: make us feel wanted, important, loved.
- Joseph was a slave. Slaves were never looked on by women of position and wealth, yet a beautiful woman threw herself at Joseph.
B. Temptations make refusal embarrassing and often dangerous, v. 8.
- Joseph knew the danger of refusing this woman, his employer.
- He could have justified his sin:
- a. “I’m only obeying the command of my master.”
- “I could be killed/dismissed for disobedience.”
- Two examples:
- a. It could be embarrassing for a girl to have to slap a boy’s face and get out of a car and walk home.
- b. It could equally be embarrassing for a boy to have to tell a girl that she is being too forward.
C. Temptations appeal to a natural desire, v. 7.
- Sexual attraction and desire is a gift of God, reserved only for marriage.
- The Tempter perverts God’s gift by tempting us to be soiled by sexual immorality, “lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not unaware of his schemes,” 2 Corinthians 2:11.
How Serious Are Temptations? v. 9
A. Temptations can lead us to sin against God.
B. Temptations can lead us to sin against others.
How Are Temptations Overcome? v. 12
A. Temptations are overcome by a quick exit, 2 Timothy 2:22.
- We must not deceive ourselves into believing that we can toy with temptation and enjoy sin, and not be affected by them.
- Sometimes, even when we are right, we will be falsely accused; but God knows the truth.
- Spurgeon said: “No man can keep the birds of passion from flying about his head; the trouble is when he allows them to begin building nests in his hair.”
B. Temptations are overcome by putting our focus on God, Philippians 4:8-9. Run away from temptation, but run to God.
Temptation cannot overtake you by its own power. Temptation can win only with your consent. There is only one doorknob to the door of a person’s life, and it is on the inside. The door never opens except when you open it. God is more powerful than Satan, and if we are willing to look to God, He will give us the strength to overcome temptation, 1 Corinthians 10:13.