The Creator of Creation
Human Need: All of us know that meaning and purpose in life comes from personal relationships. Life is meaningful because of the people we know and love.
Some people believe that the universe had an impersonal beginning, that it is the result of pure, blind chance. Their conclusion is that the processes that produced the present order were impersonal, chance happenings.
The preacher of Ecclesiastes held this view: “Vanity of vanities.” When he realized that God created the universe purposely, he found meaning to his life and existence.
In order for life to have meaning, we must have a relationship with the Creator God.
Thesis: God as Creator reveals Who God is through His creation.
Interrogative: What does creation reveal about God?
The Bible gives us 3 facets of Who God is through creation.
God as Creator Reveals that God Is the Originator of All Things
A. Exegesis, vv. 1-13, Days One to Three
- Day One–God created light and separated Day and Night.
- Day Two–God created atmosphere and space.
- Day Three–God created earth, vegetation, and water.
B. Illustration
Mrs. Harvey Kidd can attest that God created the universe single-handedly. She tells about the time her grandson vacationed with her in the Rocky Mountains. She said: “One day we stopped to admire the grandeur, and after a few minutes of thoughtful silence, Richard exclaimed: ‘Just think–God did all this with only one hand!’ I asked what he meant. ‘Oh, you know, Grandmother,’ he replied, ‘the Bible says Jesus was sitting on God’s right hand!'”
C. Application
- God is eternal and from eternity.
- God created the universe “out of nothing.”
- God spoke everything into existence according to His design.
God as Creator Reveals that God Is the Preserver of All Things
A. Exegesis, vv. 14-19, Day Four
- God created order, not chaos.
- God is actively preserving or sustaining the created order, for without Him chaos would occur.
- God is Sovereign over His creation.
B. Illustration
Each cell of the human body has up to 100,000 coded messages we call genes. If we were to try to write down all the directions contained in these genes, the words would fill the equivalent of 10,000 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica.
The complexity of the body is amazing. The more I learn about it, the more I am forced to say with the psalmist: “I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14).
C. Application
- God did not create natural laws to govern the universe.
- God is actively creating new seasons and each new day.
- God is not controlled by a natural order; God is Sovereign over the whole of creation.
God as Creator Reveals that God Is the Provider for All Things
A. Exegesis, vv. 20-31, Days Five, Six, and Seven
- God created the animals, birds, and sea creatures.
- God provides the orderly way in which to reproduce.
- God created the crowning jewel of creation–mankind.
- God provided rest on the Sabbath.
B. Illustration
What animal is longer than 3 dump trucks, heavier than 110 Honda Civics, and has a heart the size of a Volkswagon? The answer is a blue whale. How much food does it take to sustain such a mammal? Try 4 tons of krill a day–that’s 3 million calories! Even a baby blue whale can put away 100 gallons of milk every 24 hours. When a blue whale surfaces, it takes in the largest breath of air of any living thing on earth. Its spray shoots higher into the air than the height of a telephone pole.
Did the whale come into existence by chance? No way! The Master Designer put that giant creature in the sea. Who provides the food for such a mammal? God the Provider does!
C. Application
- God provides the needs of all His creation.
- God promised to supply the needs for His children.
God is the Originator of the universe. God is the Preserver of the universe and without Him the created order would fall apart. God also is the Provider for Creation.
God’s Creation testifies that He is Sovereign over Creation. God is in control. Who’s in control of your life? God can do a much better job than you can. Repent, and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and the God of Creation will create a brand new you. Then God will provide for you as one of His children.
Does science ultimately give you meaning and purpose in life? No. God can demonstrate to you the grand purpose for your life through Jesus Christ. Repent, and believe the gospel.