Revelation 8:1-13
Opening the 7th seal introduces the 7 trumpet judgments. Trumpets in the Old Testament were used for various purposes: (1) announce war or invasion, (2) call the nation to assembly, (3) call the nation to a national festival, and (4) announce judgment. The trumpet sound is a signal of power and authority.
The events of the trumpet judgments are similar to the bowls of wrath judgments. The difference is the trumpet judgments occur in the first 3.5 yrs of the Tribulation; the bowl judgments occur in the last 3.5 yrs of the Tribulation. The bowl judgments, however, are worse than the trumpet judgments. It is called “the wrath of God” (Revelation 14:10 and 15:7).
The Preparation in Heaven, vv. 1-6
A. Silence, compare Hebrews 2:20
In chapter 7, there was a great expression of praise from the heavenly host. Here, however, we have breathless silence as judgment is about to fall.
B. Supplication, vv. 2-6
- The angel approaches the altar of incense. The golden censer is the prayers of the Tribulation saints. The fire from the altar cast to earth is the judgment of God falling on earth.
- The Voices, thunder, lightning, earthquake indicate the coming storm.
- The angels prepare to blow their trumpets.
The Desolation on the Earth, vv. 7-11
A. The First Trumpet: Fire and hailstones destroy one-third of vegetation.
B. The Second Trumpet: a giant mountain / meteor strikes the ocean, vaporizing one-third of the ocean, one-third of sea life, and one-third of ocean vessels. The sea becomes blood.
C. The Third Trumpet: a falling star / meteor, Wormwood, strikes land, making the water bitter. The Greek word for “wormwood” is absinthos or absinth. It causes hallucinations.
- Jeremiah prophesied that Israel would have to drink bitter water, Jeremiah 9:14-15.
- In the Millennial Kingdom, the healing waters will overcome the bitterness of the Tribulation, Ezekiel 47:6-9.
The Agitation in the Sky, v. 12
The Fourth Trumpet: will darken one-third of the Light of the sun, moon, and stars.
The Proclamation from the Angel, v. 13
“The next 3 judgments will be worse!