Failure can become a weight or it can give you wings.
People who make a hash of things are generally struggling with yesterday’s leftovers.
If we are beginning to encounter some hard bumps, be glad. At least we are out of the rut.
No bird soars too high as long as it uses its own wings.
Bad men excuse their faults—good men abandon them.
Past failures are guideposts for future success.
Few blame themselves until they have exhausted all other possibilities.
Be willing to admit your faults, showing it is all right to admit mistakes.
Investigate mistakes only when you are calm.
Failure is merely an opportunity to start over again, wiser than before.
We can never profit from our mistakes as long as we blame others for them.
The greatest of all faults is to be conscious of none.
A mistake just proves somebody stopped long enough to do something.
The man who has no goal does not fear failure.
There is one thing to be thankful for—only you and God have all the facts about yourself.
Some people make such preparations for a rainy day that they aren’t enjoying today’s sunshine.
It is more honorable to acknowledge our faults than to boast of our merits.
Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure-conscious.
The three hardest words to say are, “I was wrong.”
Some of the best lessons we ever learned, we learned from our mistakes and failures.
He who determines to love only those who are faultless will soon find himself alone.
Justifying a fault doubles it.
Life’s greatest failure—trying to please everyone.
A man may fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame others for his failures.
A man doesn’t become a failure until he is satisfied with being one.
In every soul is deposited the germ of a great future.
Life’s greatest failure is failing to be true to the best you know.
It is doubtful whether one can be good without being good for something.
Setbacks stiffen your backbone if it is made of the right stuff.
Don’t apologize for failure—mend it.
If you never make a mistake, you may live and die without anyone ever noticing you.
An upright man can never be a downright failure.
You are only a failure when you do less than your best.
Failure is one thing that can be achieved without effort.
Many people fail in life because the wishbone is where the backbone should be.
To err is human, but when the eraser wears out before the pencil, you are overdoing it.
Some well-to-do young men prove to be n’er-do-wells.
Failure is the result of least persistence.
People never fail in anything—they just give up.
Vexation at fault is generally more of a fault than the fault itself.
If you can learn from your mistakes, then should you not make more mistakes?
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.
You must have long-range goals to keep you from being frustrated by short-range failures.
Even the perfect people buy pencils with erasers.
Many fail by trying to get as much as possible for doing as little as possible.
There is no failure until you fail to keep trying.
The cost of failure is greater than the price of success.
People who fail to understand their past mistakes may be condemned to make them over again.
Don’t worry when you stumble. Remember that a worm is about the only thing that can’t fall down.
It’s human to err—but it’s stupid to continue.
Some are farsighted in seeing others’ mistakes but too shortsighted to see their own mistakes.
Failure doesn’t mean you’ll never succeed—it will just take longer.
To do nothing for fear of making a mistake could be the greatest mistake of all.
It’s better to sleep on what you plan to do than to lie awake because of what you’ve done.
Success makes failures out of too many people.
While we learn from our mistakes, we would probably be more happy with less education.
When a known plan makes your plan unworkable, you are working on a bad plan.
Achieving a goal is never final, and failure to do so is never fatal.
The worst failure is failure to try.
Don’t let yesterday’s failure bankrupt tomorrow’s efforts.
If you blame others for your failures, do you credit others for your successes?
The expert is one who avoids the small errors as he goes to a bigger one.
The ambition of many is to be weighed and found wanting.
Hurry is the mother of mistake.
If I were wrong, I’d be the last person to admit it.
The cost of failure is greater than the cost of success.
It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you place the blame.
An obstacle is something you see when you take your eyes off the goal.
If you don’t learn from your mistakes, there’s no sense in making them.
Open up—show others that it’s all right to make and admit mistakes.
A mistake is evidence that someone tried to do something.
Admit your mistakes—don’t brag about them.
Failures are divided into two classes—those who thought they never did, and those who did and never thought.