God revealed Himself to Moses on Mount Horeb and called Moses to serve Him.
Thesis: We do not discover God; rather, God reveals Himself to us through His Word.
The Bible teaches seven doctrines of Who God is.
God Is Infinite
A. Exegesis
- God is always “AM,” v. 14.
- God has no beginning or end.
- With God, there is no succession of time.
- God is Eternal; time is not a part of eternity.
B. Illustration
A mother was approached by her young son, who asked, “Mommy, did God make Himself?” Realizing that such questions by children are very important and must be answered, she dropped what she was doing and sat down with her youngster for a little talk. Pointing to her wedding ring, she said, “This is a ‘love ring,’ which your daddy gave me when we were married. Look at it closely and tell me where it begins and where it ends.”
The boy examined it carefully and then said, “There’s no starting place and stopping place to a ring.” The mother replied, “That’s the way it is with God. He had no beginning and has no end, yet He encircles our lives with His presence. He is too wonderful, too great for our minds to understand. Nobody ever made God–He always was!” Somehow the boy realized that for God to be God, He could not have been created. He had to be without beginning and without end.
C. Transition: Because God is Infinite,
God Is Immense
A. God told Moses that He has “come down to rescue His people,” v. 8.
B. God is not confined to space, because space was created by God.
C. Because God is Infinite and Immense,
God Is Immutable
A. Verse 14 proclaims that God is unchangeable.
B. God is Immutable in
- duration and life;
- nature and character (love, mercy, forgiving, etc)
- will
C. Because God is Infinite, Immense, Immutable,
God Is Immanent
A. God is “I AM,” or Jehovah / Yahweh (‘ehyeh).
B. The Lord promises Moses, “I will be with you.”
C. Because God is Infinite, Immense, Immutable, and Immanent,
God Is the God of Individuals, not places, vv. 6 & 15
God Is Creator–God created out of nothing
God Is Sovereign
A. Exegesis, vv. 21-22
B. Illustration
Make no mistake, Newt Gingrich is a leader who intends to end Washington’s tyranny. When elected Speaker-elect , he expressed sentiments unheard of in contemporary American political discourse: “Power does not come from Washington. Power comes from God to the people, and from the people to their government as they see fit to loan it.”
Business Week, 12/26/1994
C. Because God is Infinite, Immense, Immutable, Instant, the God of Individuals, Creator, God is Sovereign over all. All of history is His-story.