Enthusiasm is contagious—and so is the lack of it.
Become a chronic enthusiast.
People grow old, not from playing, but because they quit playing.
God gave us a neck for a purpose—to stick it out sometimes.
A Christian will not amount to much unless there is enthusiasm in his Christianity.
Remember it is hard to steer a parked car.
The person with enthusiasm lives abundantly in spite of and not because of his situation.
Sooner or later the man with pull bows to the man with a push.
If you are satisfied just to get by, step aside for a man who isn’t.
Some people’s spirits grow gray before their hair.
The worst bankrupt in the world is the man who has lost his enthusiam.
The biggest problem is not to add years to your life—but life to your years.
The fire of God in your heart will melt the lead in your feet.
When Mark Twain was asked the reason for his success, he replied, “I was born excited.”
The most contagious thing in the world is lack of enthusiasm, and the second most contagious is enthusiasm.
Nothing truly great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
Even a live wire is not really live unless it has a good connection.
Truth accomplishes no victories without enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm is the spark that puts enjoyment into our lives.
If you get on fire for God, you will be too hot for Satan to handle.
Zeal without knowledge is a fire without control.
You cannot kindle a fire in another’s heart until it is buring in your own.
None are so old as those who have outlived their enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm without knowledge is like running in the dark.
All you need to get ahead is luck and pluck—luck in finding someone to pluck.
A fanatic is a person who is highly enthusiastic about something in which you are not even remotely interested.
A fanatic is someone who would be called a “dedicated idealist” if he were on your side.
The world’s work is done every day by people who could have stayed in bed, but didn’t.
Believers in the early church were either expelled or repelled.
The man who cannot be angry at evil lacks enthusiasm for good.
Becoming number one is easier than remaining number one.
Inspiration plus perspiration combine to produce success.
No one ever stumbles over something while sitting down.
It is much easier to keep the fire burning than to rekindle it after it has gone out.