Drinking kills 25,000 yearly, yet we continue to permit alcohol to be sold. Yet, if a mad dog bites a person, we kill the dog.
It’s much better to sit tight than to drive that way.
Dignity is one thing that cannot be preserved in alcohol.
There is no situation so bad that a few alcoholic drinks won’t make worse.
Many things can be preserved in alcohol, but Christian character is not one of them.
Strong drink can weaken character.
Corkscrews have sunk more people than cork jackets ever saved.
The steady drinker soon becomes an unsteady drinker.
The tavern keeper is the only businessman ashamed of his customers.
When a man drinks to forget, he usually forgets to stop.
Liquor fools the man who fools with it.
The drunkard commits suicide on the installment plan.
The man who invented alcohol died thousands of years ago, but his spirit still lives.
It’s all right to drink like a fish as long as you drink what a fish does.
He who drinks before he drives puts the quart before the hearse.
Drivers are safer when roads are dry, and the road is safer when the drivers are dry.
A drunkard’s mouth dries up his pocket. All his money runs into the hole just below the nose.
Some people use statistics as a drunken man uses a lamppost—for support rather than for illumination.
People who live in glass houses shouldn’t get stoned.
The man who drinks much thinks little.
Arresting a drunken driver is like destroying the web and leaving the spider alive.
Glasses change your personality, especially if you empty them too often.
Alcohol is something that often puts the “wreck” in recreation.
The person who thinks won’t drink.
A good government cannot be preserved in alcohol.
Keeping blood free from alcohol is the best way to keep the highways free from blood.
Danger signs should be placed where alcohol removes the polish from furniture and people.
The hand that lifts the cup of cheers should not be used to shift gears.
The driver who has a few quick ones is bound to have a few close ones.
Only weak characters depend upon strong drink.