Discipline yourself so other won’t have to.
Correction does much, but encouragement does more.
Exercise your grace, or Satan will exercise your corruption.
There is more to be gained by being first than fast.
A switch in time saves crime.
If we want to be servants of others, we must be masters of ourselves.
Some people who don’t know anything always want to tell you about it.
They who do not live up to their ideals soon find that they have lost them.
The roughest road oftentimes goes straight to the top of the hill.
The most miserable Christians are those who cannot reconcile their creed with their greed.
Whatever it may be—sports, pleasure, business, money or family—when put first, that is your God.
If God controls the inner man, the world cannot control the other man.
It is never wise to slip the hands of discipline.
Those who master themselves are able to master all things and all people.
Morality, like art, consists in drawing a line somewhere.
One minute of folly could mean a life of time and regret.
Keep your head and heart going in the right direction and you’ll not have to worry about your feet.
If the going is getting easier, you aren’t climbing.
Don’t smoke in bed—the ashes that fall on the floor may be your own.
Erasers are not only for mistakes, but for those willing to correct their mistakes.
Man doesn’t plan to fail—he just fails to plan.
When alone guard your thoughts; in the family guard your temper; in company guard your words.
There may be a wrong way to do the right thing, but never a right way to do a wrong thing.
Many imperfections that we easily tolerate in ourselves are quite intolerable in others.
A positive conviction without accurate information is a dangerous thing.
The rest of your days depend on the rest of your nights.
If your willpower doesn’t work, try your “won’t” power.
People with horse sense know when to say nay.
The secret of achievement is not to let what you’re doing get to you before you get to it.
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and remain silent.
If you kicked the one who causes you most of your troubles, you would not be able to sit down for six weeks.
A man who always says what he thinks is courageous—and without friends.
Three of the most difficult things in life are to keep a secret, to forget an injury, and to make good use of leisure time.
The business of living is not to get ahead of others but to get ahead of ourselves.
The surest way to encourage violence is to give in to it.
Prepare and prevent instead of repair and repent.
Freedom is not the right to do as you please but the liberty to do as we ought.
The first screw that comes loose in the head is the one that controls the tongue.
Self-respect is the thing for which you make any sacrifice because without it you would be nothing.
Some people could see better in the day if they didn’t run around at night.
There are more self-marred people in the world than there are self-made.
Most people always aim to do right; they just fail to pull the trigger.
God is not looking for a man to prove He is better than man; He wants him to be a better man.
Lessons that are bitter to learn usually are sweet to know.
No one has the right to do as he pleases unless he pleases to do right.
One advantage of traveling the straight and narrow road is that very few people are trying to pass you.
The best way to escape evil is to pursue good.
Never put your hand out farther than you can draw it back again.
A yawn is at least an honest opinion.
He that mindeth not his own business shall never be trusted with mine.
An undisciplined church member is a disgrace to Christ and a detriment to His church.
You are never defeated unless you defeat yourself.
The greatest conqueror is he who conquers himself.
To many people, the ideal occupation is the one that doesn’t keep them occupied.
The heir as well as the hair can be trained properly through the use of a brush.
It is one thing to praise discipline and another to submit to it.
Freedom is a choice—it comes when we choose discipline.
The trouble with a lot of self-made men is they quit the job too early.
Remember that it is the daily grind that gives a person polish.
Most would like to change their circumstances, not themselves.
Water can quench your thirst, but too much water can drown.
When there is pruning, the gardener is nearby.
Men, like rivers, become crooked because they follow the way of least resistance.
Go the extra mile, which is one stretch of highway where there are never traffic jams.
If you have too many irons in the fire, some will cool.
Looking for a soft job is the job of a soft man.
If you want to make a point but not an enemy, don’t make it too sharp.
One person with a conviction is equal in force to ninety-nine who only have opinions.
A person becomes wise by observing carefully what happens when he isn’t.
We live in a nation where lawns are well kept but laws are not.
The man who goes through life looking for something soft can only find it under his hat.
It takes courage to change your mind about something when you know you ought to but would rather not.
No one becomes very good or very bad—suddenly.
An easy way to become poor is to pretend you are rich.
Before you let yourself go completely, be sure you can get yourself back.
Freedom without purpose leads headlong into chaos.
Good planning, carefully executed, is often mistaken by others as pure luck.
A person without a goal will get nowhere and won’t know when he gets there.
Many people are too busy making a living to make life worth living.
The earth is God’s training camp for mankind, fitting him for the life to come.
Maybe it wasn’t meant that way, but American ends with “I can.”