Dedication is self-sacrificing devotion or loyalty.
If you want your dedication to Jesus to last, put Him first.
Nobody cares? They don’t have to as long as you do.
There is a perfect freedom for people who do the work they want to do and live by that work.
God often uses small matches to light great torches.
Do the right thing—you will please some people and astonish the rest.
The best angle to approach a problem is the try-angle.
When something goes wrong, it is more important to decide who is going to fix it than who is to blame.
You lost a lot of battles in the process of winning the war.
Becoming number one is easier than remaining number one.
If you think that one person cannot make a difference in the world, consider what one cigar can do in a crowded restaurant.
With God’s grace, you can do everything you ought to do.
It takes a long time to feather a nest when you are on a wild goose chase.
It is better to die for something than to live for nothing.
Doing things by halves may be worthless because it may be the other half that counts.
Morale is when your hands and feet keep on working when your head says it can’t be done.
Commitment to Christ should go hand in hand with commitment to His Church.
Depression can come from lack of commitment.
God gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him.
Promises made to God when sick require a better memory than some people possess.
Until you are sacrificial, you are artificial.
Spirituality can be compared to a ride in a plane—the higher we rise, the smaller things on earth become.
God’s best is known by surrender, not struggle.
Prayer is letting the Master Mechanic do the repairs.
When a person give God second place, soon He has no place at all.
If you want your influence to last, put Christ first.
He who abandons himself to God will never be abandoned by God.
We die by living to ourselves—we live by dying to ourselves.
Christ is not valued at all unless He is valued above all.
It is not talented people who serve the Lord best but the dedicated ones.
No sacrifice we make is too great for the One who sacrificed His all.
To be rich in God is better than to be rich in goods.
Think seldom of your enemies, often of your friends, and constantly of Christ.
Before reaching the uppermost, we must keep Christ uppermost in our minds.
It takes unfair treatment to test the Christian’s consecration.
Too many people expect God to work through them when they don’t even let Him work in them.
Lord, do in me what You need to do so You can do through me what You have to do.
There is no greater freedom than being a bond servant to Christ.
A Christian without commitment is like a promise made with your fingers crossed.
It is hard to be distracted by the world when we are attracted by Christ.
The Holy Spirit chooses nobodies of the church and makes them somebodies.
The only fully satisfied person in the world is the fully consecrated person.
When the world is at its worst, Christians must be at their best.
When on vacation, don’t make Christ your last resort.
If God has first place in your life, you won’t have to worry about Who has the other places.
The Lord’s tomorrow of blessing is only waiting for our today of consecration.
Go with the crowd and get lost; go with the Savior and you will stand alone.
We can always live on less when we have more to live for.
The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire for God.
The Christian’s greatest joy is found in letting God fully possess everything that is God’s.
If you want to know how precious Christ can be, make Him preeminent.
Making a great sacrifice nowadays means doing without things our parents never had.
God created the world out of nothing; as long as we are nothing, He can do something with us.
God has included you in His plans; have you included Him in your plans?
We keep ourselves only by giving ourselves to God.
The head may seek God, but it is the heart that finds Him.
It doesn’t take much of a man to be a Christian—it takes all of him.
You must keep in mind not what you are, but whose you are.
In the economy of God, we have to give in order to have riches and die in order to live.
A useful life can’t be entirely peaceful and carefree.
Some things are ruined when broken, but the heart is at its best when broken.
There would be less falling from the Lord if there were more calling upon the Lord.
Even if I knew tomorrow would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple seed.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
God judges us not by what we give but by what we withhold.
He who walks close to God leaves no room for anything to come between.
No life is hopeless unless Christ is ruled out.
If God is kept outside, there is something wrong inside.
He who serves two masters has to lie to one.
It’s human to stand with the crowd; it’s divine to stand alone.
Have you ever noticed that although God demands a whole heart, He will accept a broken one if He gets all the pieces.
Attachment to Christ is the real secret of detachment from the world.
A fanatic is someone who would be called a “dedicated idealist” if he were on your side.
No gift is a substitute for yourself.
For top performance we must refuel daily from the Word.
If Christ resides in your heart, let Him preside in your home.
If we are not as spiritual as we could be, we’re not as spiritual as we should be.
A church member who believes nothing, says nothing, does nothing, and gives nothing is worth nothing.
Let us not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless when facing them.
Commitment could be your self-fulfilling prophecy.
When one truly first gives himself to the Lord, all other giving is easy.
If you make the commitment, God opens the way.
God isn’t looking for ability—He looks for usability.
Commitment is the key that unlocks doors to great opportunities.
Some give their mite; some give with all their might; and some don’t give who might.
Don’t drive your stakes too deep—we’re leaving in the morning.
True freedom is found in bondage to Christ.
To pray about something and make yourself available is hypocrisy.
Allow Christ to make your life a mission—not an intermission.
Anything that matters more to you than God is an idol.
Putting God first brings satisfaction that lasts.
Many a person has convictions for which he wants someone else to supply the courage.
When we yield ourselves to the Spirit’s control, we do not lost our self-control.
The smaller we are the more room God will have in our lives.
The hardest thing to give is to give in.
The three greatest needs of every man: to be dead in Christ; to be dead in sin; and to be dead to what people think.
You cannot pour deep spirituality into a shallow life.