A man should give a lot of thought to a sudden decision.
A reaction follows somebody’s action, or lack of it.
Of all creation, only man can say yes or no to God.
Every person face this choice—Christ or condemnation.
To deny one’s guilt and reject Christ is the worst kind of insanity.
Every man carries with him the world in which he must live.
No power on earth or under earth can make a man do wrong without his consent.
It is not a question as to who is right but what is right.
It is never too early to decide for Christ, but the time will come when it will be too late.
He who provides for this life but takes no care for eternity is wise for a moment but a fool forever.
It is better to do good than just talk about it.
It seems that more people today have a greater desire to live long than they do to live well.
The difference between a stumbling block and a stepping-stone is what you make of it.
An executive is a guy who can take as long as he wants to make a snap decision.
A wise man changes his mind; a fool, never.
A successful journey does not depend on which way the wind blows but on the set of the sail.