Death cannot sever what the cross unites.
In every abortion, something living is killed; this is a biological fact, not a moral judgment.
For the Christian, death is the last shadow before heaven’s dawn.
Three things never convenient—death, taxes, and childbirth.
Those who are prepared to die are the most prepared to live.
Death is the last chapter of time but the first chapter of eternity.
You cannot decide when or where you will die, but you can decide how you will live.
Everyone should fear death until he has something that will live on after his death.
What we weave in time, we will wear in eternity.
Bumper sticker on hearse: Have a happy forever.
Sign on a tombstone: I expected this but not yet.
Worldly pleasures turn sour in the heat of eternity.
The little things that we do for Jesus now will be the great things in eternity.
A little engine trouble during an airplane flight can reach more folks than a good preacher in a pulpit.
Every man must do two things alone: he must do his own believing and his own dying.
Death is not extinguishing the light; it is putting out the lamp because dawn has come.
If you live wrong, you can’t die right.
Death guarantees the sinner’s penalty and the saint’s promotion.
A will is a dead giveaway.
Death for the Christian is not bane but blessing, not tragedy but triumph.
Only when we die to all about us do we live to God above us.
For the Christian, death is not gloom but glory.
Immortality is the glorious capstone of Christianity.
Every loss leaves a space that can be filled by God’s presence.