Conscience is a small voice deep down inside where the acoustics are generally poor.
Never trust a person with a hardened conscience.
A gash in the conscience may disfigure the soul forever.
A good conscience is the looking glass of heaven.
Nothing is harder to bear than a guilty conscience.
For some, conscience is the fear of being found out.
Conscience is a still small voice–when it calls, often the line is busy.
A quiet conscience sleeps during thunder and lightning.
A guilty conscience needs no accusing.
Someone should invent an amplifier for the voice of conscience.
The longest distance for humans is from the head to the heart.
Conscience does not get its guidance from a Gallup poll.
A sanctified conscience is the holy whisper of God in the soul.
An imperfect conscience needs a perfect Guide.
The “little voice inside” used to be our conscience–now it’s a notification on our cellphone.
Have convictions but be sure your convictions are convictions and not prejudices.
A bad conscience has a good memory.
Conscience and the Holy Spirit are the two great prosecutors of the soul.
A clear conscience can only be destroyed by its owner.
Conscience is that thing that hurts when everything else feels good.
Better to lose a good coat than a bad conscience.
Conscience should always go to truth for instructions.
Many people tune out the voice of the conscience when money begins to talk.
When you listen to your conscience, does it sometimes seem you are in the company of a total stranger?
In the courtroom of our conscience, we call only witnesses for the defense.
Conscience is what tells you it is wrong the moment after you have perpetrated it.
A man of integrity will listen to conscience.
Cultivate a clear conscience; it may be the best friend you will ever have.
When you have a fight with your conscience and get licked, you win.
Many people have a bad memory to thank for their consciences.
Feeding your conscience with excuses is like giving sleeping pills to your watchdog.
It is your conscience that tells you that your instinct could be wrong.
Conscience is like a piano–if you only use it once a year, you probably will not notice it is out of tune.
The best tranquilizer is a clear conscience.
Conscience is what makes a small boy tell his dad before his sister does.
What your conscience says is more important than what your neighbors say.
Make sure your opinion of others is not their opinion of you.
A conscience is like a buzzing bee–it can make you uneasy without ever stinging you.
An evil conscience cannot be cured by medication.
Some people say they have become broad-minded when they have only stretched their consciences.
Conscience is like a sundial–when the truth of God shines upon it, it points the right way.
Conscience gets a lot of credit that belongs to cold feet.
Happy is the man who renounces anything that places a strain upon his conscience.
Beware of the rubber conscience and the concrete block.
Conscience doesn’t necessarily keep us from doing what we shouldn’t; it just keeps us from enjoying it.
So long as your conscience isn’t ashamed to acknowledge you as a friend, don’t give a rap for your enemies.
A clear conscience is the softest pillow.
Conscience is not only the greatest preacher who ever lived, he’s the best friend you’ve ever had.