You can’t hide from God by missing church.
The prayer closets of God’s people are where the roots of the church grow.
Religious differences are not nearly so disastrous as religious indifferences.
The way to preserve peace in the church is to preserve the purity of it.
Some people who watch “Saturday Night Live” come to church “Sunday Morning Dead.”
Satan has a reserved seat in many churches.
If there is a hypocrite between you and the church, he is closer to God than you are.
If your religion doesn’t take you to church, it is doubtful if it will take you to heaven.
The trouble with most people is that they are looking for a church that doesn’t hurt their conscience.
An ounce of church attendance is worth a pound of police court.
God made the Sabbath and blessed it–even the rainy ones.
Too many church members have been starched and ironed without being washed.
A Christian without a church is like a bee without a hive.
The task of the church is not only to get sinners into heaven but to get saints out of bed.
The church needs workers–not a wrecking crew.
Night owls may become bedbugs on Sunday morning, but this does not prove evolution.
Don’t wait until you die to be brought to church.
If absence makes the heart grow fonder–some people really love the church.
One way to defend the church is to attend it.
When the church service is over, it is time for your service to begin.
The church has too many bystanders and not enough standbys.
It’s easy to lost interest in a church in which you have nothing invested.
What kind of church would you have if every member were just like you?
Sign at church parking lot: Unauthorized cars will be spirited away at owner’s expense.
A hearse is a poor vehicle to start attending church in.
The ecumenical movement suggests that some churches are losing their sect appeal.
If God stays at your house during the week, you ought to visit His house on Sunday.
We don’t use people to build a great church–we use the church to build great people.
Some people have such bad nerves that they cannot sleep in church.
The world has lost its faith because the church has lost its power.
If you want to hear all about the problems of the church, ask someone who hasn’t been to church in years.
Some people would walk a mile for a cigarette, but cannot walk two blocks to church.
It might be profitable to cross blankets with toasters so people would pop up out of bed, especially on Sunday morning.
Why look for a perfect church? You would feel out of place attending it.
The church should be a living organism instead of a dead organization.
Which is worse–to be for what the church is against, or against what the church is for?
Some churches teach history, while others teach His story.
The gospel is not something only to go to church to hear–but to go from church to tell.
If the church were perfect, there would be no members.
Every church has all the success it prays and pays for.
Some churches have too many carnal shirkers and not enough Christian workers.
God put the church in the world–the devil put the world in the church.
If there were as many idle parts in an automobile as members in the church, the automobile couldn’t run downhill.
Church-going and Sabbath-keeping are not religion, but religion cannot live without them.
It is impossible to build a great church on ignorances.
The church is no more to blamed for bad people in it than a hospital is to be blamed for the sick people that are in it.
Every seat in the church is a love seat.
Church attendance–come early for a backseat.
In church you use to hear about do’s and don’ts. Now you hear about dues and doughnuts.
The automobile does not take people away from church against their will.
A church is like a bank–the more you put into it, the more interest you receive.
Church members are often weakened by too much weekend.
God’s house is a hive for workers–not a nest for drones.
If the church wants a better minister, it can get one by praying for the one it has.
Some people are regular churchgoers–they never mist an Easter.
It takes years to build a church–seconds to need one.
Some people attend church only three times: when they are hatched, when they are matched, and when they are dispatched.
The business of the church is not to furnish a hammock for the lazy but yokes for the drawing of loads.
A Christian outside a church is like an athlete without a team.
The world at its worst needs the church at its best.
The church is a place where we can admit our failures to one another.
A church cannot be built upon stumbling blocks.
Some people go to church to see who didn’t.
Floating members make a sinking church.
The man who drives with one hand is headed for church–either the way of marriage or for his funeral.
The church has three kinds of members: pickers, kickers, stickers.
Church sign: You are not too bad to come in, and not too good to stay out.
Don’t stay away from church because there are hypocrites–there’s always room for one more.
It’s strange that nineteen drops of water keep twenty-one people from church.
The church exists for a double purpose–gathering and sending out.
The reason people miss church when it rains is the reason why we have church.
There is a shortage of engineers and a surplus of brakemen in our churches.
Spiritual headaches occur regularly every seventh day.
Some church members believe the word parishioner means a “parish shunner.”
The empty-pew problem is not solved when the pew is occupied by a person with a wandering mind.
Having a gas station closed on Sunday is all the excuse some people need to skip church.
Go to church to worship, not to whisper–to commune, not to criticize.
Most people want the benefits of the church but refuse to be a benefit to the church.
A church all wrapped up in itself is a small package.
The less spirituality a church has, the more entertainment it takes to keep it running.
The church gives the people what they need–movies give the people what they want.
An avoidable absence from worship is an infallible evidence of spiritual malnutrition.
The man who hasn’t been to church in thirty years is usually the one who says that modern preaching is behind the times.
Going to church via TV is like talking on the telephone with your best girl and wanting to hold her hand at the same time.
A church only grows as the members grow.
Some people refuse to come forward in church unless escorted by pallbearers.
If you make your church important, it is quite likely to return the favor.
Many people go to church praying that they will hear preaching that will hit someone else.
A church without a purpose is like a house without a door–it has no reason to exist.
The church is not made up of people who are better than the rest, but of people who are trying to become better than they are.
The church is God’s workhouse where His jewels are being polished for His palace.
People do not miss church services because they life too far from the church building–it is because they live too far from God.
A caring pastor will build his church–a caring church will build its pastor.
Marks of a strong church: wet eyes, bent knees, broken hearts.
Some church members are like blotters; they soak it all up but get it backwards.
Another type of automobile thief is the man who steals the hour of the church service to go riding in his car.
The church is paralyzed with timidity and dying with dignity.
All communication from your church to unchurched people should emphasize your desire to do something for them, not for them to do something for you.
Weather or not, come on in!
The church is a workshop–not a dormitory.