Backsliding is the easier thing to do–you do nothing.
Backsliding begins in the knees.
The devil will be satisfied with you if you are satisfied with him.
People seldom lose their religion by a blowout–it is usually a slow leak.
Backsliding begins when knee-bending stops.
Backsliders usually are guilty of criticism, condemnation, and complaining.
When we expect more of others than we expect of ourselves, we are in a state of carnality.
Samson was asleep when he lost his strength.
Still water and still religion freeze the quickest.
If people would do what they should, there would be no time to do what they should not.
Hypocrites are persons who aren’t themselves on Sunday.
Church members are like automobiles–they start missing before they quit.
Some people who never consider walking in darkness sure enjoy a little stroll in the shade.
The backslider who turns back to the Lord needs the backing of the church.