Accurate knowledge is the basis of correct opinion; the want of it makes the opinions of many people of little value. A lot of people will be unhappy in heaven when they discover that it is not the exclusive property of one denomination. The longest leap in the world is to jump to a conclusion….
Author: Alan Holden
A father is generally happier to have his child look like him than act like him. It ought to be the other way around. Most fathers try to bring up their sons to be as good a man as they meant to be . It’s hard to train a child in a way the parents…
There is no sure thing as bad weather—there are just different kinds of good weather. It’s just as easy to look for the good things in life as the bad. An optimist looks at an oyster and expects to find a pearl—the pessimist looks at the oyster and expects ptomaine poisoning. The worst pest in…
Every man carries with him the world in which he must live. Opportunity typically favors those who have paid the price of years of preparation. God’s best gifts are not things but opportunities. The danger is that we don’t aim too high and we miss it, but that we aim too low and reach it….
Old Professions
Old _______ never die—they just ____________. Housewives, wash away. Janitors, kick the bucket. FBI Agents, get fed up. Cardiologists, become disheartened. Golfers, lose their drive. Baseball players, strike out. Football players, fumble away. Hockey players, lose their puck. Tailors, divested. Detectives, dissolved. Orchestra leaders, become disbanded. Musicians, become disconcerted. Chiropractors, become disjointed. Politicians, become devoted….
Prayer is the breath of the soul; without it you will turn blue. Arguments never settle things, but prayer changes things. Nothing makes us love our enemies as much as praying for them. A small boy asked his parents, “I’m going to pray now–do you need anything?” An important part of praying is a willingness…
Praise, like sunlight, helps all things to grow. The best way to boost the morale at the office is to tell the boss when someone is doing a good job. Man weighs the deeds, but God weighs the intentions. People have a way of becoming what you encourage them to be–not what you nag them…
Christ as Savior brings peace with God; Christ as Lord brings the peace of God. The surest way to encourage violence is to give in to it. The person who keeps clean, square, and cool within will never collapse when the world without falls in on him. Peace of mind depends upon strength of mind….
Our country, right or wrong. When right, to be kept right; when wrong, to be put right. If our country is worth dying for in time of way, let us resolve that it is truly worth living for in time of peace. He loves his country best who strives to make it best. America is…
Perhaps the most important trip you will ever make is going the second mile. Today is not won by old victories nor lost by old defeats. You lose a lot of battles in the process of winning the war. Patience is waiting without worrying. I would rather be hurt than do hurt. The difficult things…