Wisdom comes more from living than from studying. Specialization is the art of learning more and more about less and less. Keep God’s truth in your head and his love in your heart. Advice is like snow–the softer it falls, the deeper it goes. Discretion too often marks the end of discovery. Thinking well is…
Author: Alan Holden
Victory will makes us sing, shine, and surrender. Win when you can–but when you lose, act as if you enjoyed it for a change. There are some defeats more triumphant than victories. No one is tired on the day of victory. Triumph of wrong is never final victory. Though each step to the cross was…
Unstable People
If envy were a fever, all the world would be ill. When some people run into a telephone pole, they blame it on the pole. Confusion is the enemy of all comfort. It’s hard for any empty sack to stand erect. Some people fall for everything and stand for nothing. The surest way to mishandle…
The best way to keep from stepping on other people’s toes is to put yourself in their shoes. Some of the best arguments are spoiled by people who know what they are talking about. The important thing is not how fast you are going, but where you are going. It is always easier to hate…
Beware of the half-truth–you may have gotten the wrong half. Beauty is mind deep. A lot of stuff that passes for food for thought these days is nothing but the baloney of propaganda. He who says he enjoys a cold shower in the morning will also lie about other things. Christianity helps us face the…
Bearing your cross means suffering for your Savior, not for you sins. Suffering can be like a magnet that draws the Christian closer to Christ. The world’s most disappointed people are those who get what’s coming to them. Those who never take time to mourn never have time to heal. A toothache is a pain…
Often the same thing that makes one person bitter makes another better. The same sun melts ice and hardens clay. Disappointments are His appointments–so put Him between you and your circumstances. God will take care of what you go through; you take care of how you go through it. There are two ways we can…
Anybody who thinks talk is cheap never argued with a traffic cop. Not to speak ill requires only silence. It takes a child two years to learn to talk—it takes a man all his life to learn how to keep his mouth shut. A bit of love is the only bit that will put a…
Always put off until tomorrow what you should not do at all. Never let yesterday use up too much of today. Help others today and God will help you tomorrow. You don’t get much by starting tomorrow. The man who does his best today will be hard to beat tomorrow. Tomorrow is the busiest day…
The longer you live, the quicker you can live a year. A supermarket is a place where you can spend an hour trying to find instant coffee. Nothing arrives more slowly and passes more quickly than a vacation. When one takes time to be better, he will enjoy better times. How time changes things—nearly every…