Revelation 12:1-17 The Wonders in Heaven, vv. 1-6 A. The Woman B. The Dragon–>Satan, see Revelation 13:1 and 17:3. a. History is replete with Jewish pogroms. b. Although 144,000 Israelis are sealed and protected by God, there will me many Israelis unprotected. c. Jesus told the Jews when the Beast is revealed to flee and…
Author: Alan Holden
Two Witnesses
Revelation 11:1-14 The Identity of the Two Witnesses A. The Scripture of the 1st Century Church was the Law and the Prophets. B. The Law and the Prophet Scriptures prophesy Christ’s Advents, Ministry, and Judgments. C. The Miracles performed by the Witnesses are mirrored in the lives of Moses and Elijah. D. At the Mount…
Scene in Heaven
Revelation 10:1-11 Introduction The sixth trumpet has sounded and the second woe is past. Here the scene changes from earth back to heaven. The Appearance of the Angel, vv. 1-4 A. This Mighty Angel is the Angel of the Lord Jesus B. The Little Book The Announcement from the Angel, vv. 5-7 Christ lifts His…
Worst Enemies of Humanity
Revelation 9:1-21 Introduction We are now approaching the middle of the Tribulation. The Army of Hell Released, vv. 1-12 A. The Star Fallen–>Satan, see Isaiah 14:12 Christ who has the Keys of Death and Hell (Revelation 1:18) gives Satan the Key to the Bottomless pit, the Abyss. B. The Smoke, v. 2 –>smoke from the…
From Bad to Worse
Revelation 8:1-13 Introduction Opening the 7th seal introduces the 7 trumpet judgments. Trumpets in the Old Testament were used for various purposes: (1) announce war or invasion, (2) call the nation to assembly, (3) call the nation to a national festival, and (4) announce judgment. The trumpet sound is a signal of power and authority….
The Lull of the Storm
Revelation 7:1-17 Introduction There is a pause between the sixth and seventh seals. Judgment halts for a brief time while God seals the 144,000 Israelis, and allows a multitude of Gentiles to repent. We see here 2 groups of redeemed people. The Sealed Israelis, vv. 1-8 A. The Angels of Nature B. The Sealing Angel…
The Seven Seals
Revelation 6:1-17 Introduction Compare with Daniel 9:27. Christ takes His title deed to creation, and one-by-one, opens each seal, unleashing His war on the godless world system. Each seal is opened in quick succession. Compare each seal with the Lord’s teaching in Matthew 24. The First Seal: Antichrist Rises to Power, vv. 1-2 and Matthew…
Redemption of Creation
Revelation 5:1-14 Introduction All creation has been under the curse of sin, Satan, and death since Adam’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden. See Romans 8:22-23. The Sealed Book, vv. 1-5 A. Sealed Books in Antiquity B. This sealed book is Christ’s title deed to creation and He is the Kinsman Redeemer through His blood…
Qualifications for Deacons
Acts 6:3 and 1 Timothy 3:8-13 Introduction Lamar Wadsworth shares this story: “When my children were small, they enjoyed singing choruses as we rode in the car. One they especially liked was ‘You Can’t Be a Beacon If Your Light Don’t Shine.’ One time when they were singing, I noticed something didn’t sound right, so…
Imputed Sin and Sin Nature
Romans 5:12-21 Introduction The program committee for a national barber’s convention devised a graphic means of demonstrating the effectiveness of their profession. They found a social derelict on skid row with long, dirty hair. His face was unshaven and his clothes were ragged and filthy. His body reeked of odors of cheap liquor and filth….