I will not permit any man to narrow or degrade my soul by making me hate him.
An angry man is seldom reasonable; a reasonable man is seldom angry.
Don’t be angry with the people who are smarter than you–it isn’t their fault.
Speak when you are angry and it will be the best speech you will ever forget.
A man is about as big as the things that make him angry.
The greatest remedy for anger is delay.
Every moment you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
Anger is only one letter from danger.
When a person strikes in anger, he usually misses the mark.
A man is never in worse company than when he flies into a rage and is beside himself.
Some people are like buttons–they pop off at the wrong time.
An angry man opens his mouth and closes his eyes.
Anger is the wind that blows out the light of reason.
One load that is too heavy for anyone to carry–a grudge.
He who loses his head is usually the last one to miss it.
A fellow with the smallest mind is the one who is usually most willing to give someone a piece of it.
Hating people is like burning the house to kill the rats.
A chip on the shoulder indicates there is wood a little higher up.
When we give others a “piece of our mind,” we have no “peace of mind” left.
Some people think they have dynamic personalities because they are always exploding.
Hatred is self-punishment.
The more you grow up, the less you blow up.
Rudeness is a weak man’s imitation of strength.
Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.
Bitterness is self-cannibalism.
Never answer an angry word; it is the second one that starts a quarrel.
Those who look for opportunities to hate, miss many opportunities to love.
A grouch is a fellow who has sized himself up and then is sore about it.
When you give a person a piece of your mind, you lose part of yours.
Some Christians are like balloons–full of wind and ready to blow up.
The wind of anger blows out the lamp of intelligence.
When we discuss we show our intelligence; when we argue we display our ignorance.
Swallowing angry words is always easier than eating them.
Anger is a feeling that makes your mouth work faster than your mind.
An argument is the longest distance between two points of view.
The test of a man’s or woman’s breeding is how they behave in a quarrel.
Though vengeance may seem sweet, there still may be bitterness in the heart.
Upspoken anger is never regretted.
When anger rises, think of the consequences.
Despair could be defined as anger with no place to go.
Anger is often more harmful than the injury it has caused.
Anger manages everything badly.
No one is able to stand up indefinitely under the weight of carrying a grudge.
Steel loses its strength when it loses its temper.
People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing.
A believer at war with his brother cannot be at peace with his Father.
No matter how long you nurse a grudge, it won’t get better.