Favors Frustrated by God
Have you ever felt that your life was at a standstill, even though you know that God has a definite purpose for your life? Ever thought, “How do I get with it, even though it seems I am imprisoned here for an indefinite time?”
Paul spent 2 years in Roman custody without receiving a formal trial or sentence. The Jews, wanting to ambush and kill Paul, asked the new governor, Festus, to release Paul into their custody. Festus convenes court in Caesarea, and wanting to grant the Jewish favor, tries to get Paul to agree. Paul appeals to Caesar.
Thesis: God’s Providence thwarts man’s plans to accomplish His eternal purpose.
God’s Providence Thwarts the Selfish Plans of Men
A. Exegesis
- Definitions
- God’s Purpose: God’s predetermined plan of what God will do in creation.
- God’s Providence: God working in time.
- Divine Preservation preserves nature and creation by natural laws.
- Divine Cooperation in intimate relationships.
- Divine Government through guidance and control.
- Jews plan to ambush Paul on his return to Jerusalem, v. 3.
- God ambushes their plan by the indecisive Festus, vv. 5 & 9.
B. Illustration–Story of Joseph: “You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.” God limits evil.
C. Application
- God designs every test and obstacle to strengthen and refine us.
- God hones Paul’s defense/witness to perfection by repetition.
- The only way we will learn to witness effectively is by repetition.
God’s Providence Thwarts the Political Favoritism of Government
A. Exegesis
- Festus learned from his predecessor, Felix, that he must gain the favor of the Jews.
- Festus wanted no trouble with these troublesome Jews.
- Festus became an indecisive governor.
B. Illustration
One day Linus and Charlie Brown were walking along and chatting with one another. Linus said, “I don’t like to face problems head on. I think the best way to solve problems is to avoid them. In fact, this is a distinct philosophy of mine. No problem is so big or so complicated that it can’t be run away from!”
C. Application
- God is never indecisive. God has a purpose.
- God’s revealed will is absolute, decisive.
- If in doubt, pray, pray, pray!
God’s Providence Thwarts the World’s Plan to Limit God’s Sovereignty
A. Exegesis
- The Jewish leaders wanted Paul dead, because his Gospel preaching converted many of their own people.
- When Paul appealed to Caesar Nero, the Jews thought that Paul was dead anyway.
- When Paul eventually arrived at Rome, he was under house arrest. But he was allowed many visitors, and two years Paul witnessed for Jesus in Rome. God’s purpose was accomplished through Paul.
B. Illustration
When William Carey began thinking of going to India as a pioneer missionary, his father pointed out to him that he possessed no academic qualifications that would fit him for such a task. But Carey answered, “I can plod.” How true it is that God accomplishes mighty things for His kingdom through those who are willing to persevere, who are willing to plod faithfully through one difficulty after another in the power of the Spirit.
C. Application–What God has commissioned you to do, God will provide the way for you to do it.
A. What is God’s will for you?
B. Have you allowed God to hone and refine you for His service?
C. When you feel like God has forgotten you, remember that God is Sovereign. He knows where you are; and God is using your present situation to either prepare you to accomplish His will or He is using you now to accomplish His purpose.