The Argument, vv. 1-3–>Can Gentiles be saved?
A. The Contention, v. 2
- Associated with Gentiles
- Ate with Gentiles
B. The Communication, vv. 1-3
The Apostle, vv. 4-17
A. The Vision, vv. 5-10
- The Sheet of 4 corners, vv. 5-6
- The Command: “Rise, slay, eat,” v. 7
- The Objection, v. 8
- The Divine Counter, vv. 9-10
B. The Verification, vv. 11-17
- The Delegation of Three, v. 11
- The Spirit Command, v. 12
- The 3-fold Witness, v. 12b (3 sets of witnesses)
- The Sermon & Spirit baptism, v. 15
C. The Deduction, v. 17