Paul shares three promises that we can claim if we are faithful in our giving to God.
Giving Will Bring Blessings to Others, vv. 1-5
A. The Corinthian Christians urged Paul to take up this missionary offering and pledged their support.
B. Paul boasted to others about the Corinthians’ generosity, and this stirred other Christians to action, vv. 2-3.
C. Giving is a blessing both to those who give and those who receive, v. 12.
Giving Will Bring Blessing to Ourselves, vv. 6-11
A. The Farming Illustration, v. 6
1. Farmers are not stingy with their seeds.
2. Farmers sow generously and reap bountifully.
B. Giving must be from the heart. Our hearts should both be faithful and cheerful, v. 7.
C. God is faithful to supply what we need:
1. spiritually, v. 6;
2. materially, v. 8; and
3. physically, v. 9.
D. Jesus said:
1. “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” Acts 20:35.
2. “Give and it shall be given unto you,” Luke 6:38.
Giving Will Bring Glory to God, vv. 12-15
A. The distribution of this offering will bring help to the saints and glory to God, v. 12.
B. Two reasons this offering would glorify God, v. 13:
1. because the givers showed obedience to God’s Word, and
2. because this liberal offering helped the saints.
C. This offering binds Gentile and Jewish Christians together, v. 14.
D. Paul praises God for His unspeakable gift:
1. the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ; and
2. the gift of eternal life!