Fellowship with the Word of Life
Gnostic heresy infiltrate4d the churches of Asia Minor. Many people left churches in pursuit of secret, intimate knowledge about God.
A. Gnostic dualism
- All physical material is thoroughly evil.
- Only the spirit is good.
- Denied Christ’s humanity in two ways:
- a. Christ “seemed” to have a body; or
- b. Christ “descended” on the man Jesus at His baptism and left Him before He died on the cross.
B. Gnostic “denominations”
- Self-denyers–since the body is evil and the spirit is pure, we must destroy this body through asceticism and release the spirit.
- Self-indulgers–since the body is evil and the spirit is pure, nothing we do in this body affects my spirit; therefore, if we must destroy this body to release the spirit, we may as well have as much fun as we can and enjoy our self destruction through illicit sex and drug abuse.
Thesis: Jesus is fully God and was perfectly human.
Jesus Is the Eternal Word
A. Pre-existent Word, “was from the beginning”
B. Incarnate Word, “heard, seen, looked at, and touched”
C. Living Word, “Word of Life”
D. Application: God is not a transformed human who is capricious; Jesus is immutable in grace and love.
Jesus Is the Eternal Life
A. Self-existent Life
B. Source of Life
C. Sovereign over Life
D. Application–Jesus controls, extends, and gives life after doctors give up.
Jesus Is Enthusiastic Joy
A. Confessional fellowship, Romans 14:7-9
B. Corporate fellowship
C. Spiritual fellowship
D. Application–Jesus is the source of joy, like a river, not stagnant pond. The more we share His joy, the more joy Jesus gives. The more we hoard His joy, the more stagnant and bitter we become.
The National Geographic reports a variety of caterpillar that finds safety in numbers by slinging a silken shelter from the branches of trees. The tent expands as the colony grows, regulating temperature and humidity. It also affords the commune protection from predators. If threatened, the insects cooperate by performing a mass thrashing display to ward off their attacker. When a caterpillar finds a suitable branch or tree for others, one thick with leaves, it secrets a chemical trail so that others can follow. The entire colony benefits through unselfish sacrifice.
The Body of Christ needs the same interdependence for survival, but today we often pursue a greater desire to live independent of one another. We prey on one another for self-gratification instead of praying for one another in submission to Christ.
For the caterpillar, safety only comes in numbers. It is the united effort that wards off predators and the inner desire to meet the needs of the entire colony that leads one to act to benefit the whole. God knew what He was doing when He created these insects to band together to benefit the colony. God also knew what He was doing when He likened believers to the Body of Christ, each member being interdependent. It is no accident that God gave us each other, for we need one another to survive. It is through His Spirit-filled body that we draw nourishment and fellowship and encouragement. God graciously through one of His creatures, gives us the answer to our need: Unity under the Lordship of Christ.